Long-Term Care Facility Study

Long-Term Care Facility Study



Role of Administrator and Case Manager

Long-term health care facilities are fixated on implementing proceeding residential therapeutic and individual care around-the-clock for patients who are incapable of encountering self-sufficiently in the neighborhood. Long-term health care facility managers are incredibly expert influential who achieve the usual methods of nursing homes living facilities. Long-Term healthcare facility managers must balance many various responsibilities, for example, the staff assignment, budget keeping, purchasing, legal matters, patient billing, electronic record-keeping facility.

Case management is an accommodating succession. Case managers operate jointly with physicians, nurses, and social workers. Case managers have an extensive assemblage of medical and non-medical professionals that are needed to make various medical decisions and accommodations. Case managers succeed to match multifaceted patient obligations. Case Management offers specifications for current and imminent statuses of patients. Case managers pledge that ethical and legal concerns are discussed. Case managers also confirm that patients receive medically proper benefits. Case managers need to be notably knowledgeable with public and private health insurance recompense management. Case managers analyze charts and pull orders to coincide with other healthcare professionals to assure that patients receive proper duration of awareness. Case Management makes the journey of admission and discharge methods smooth.

The long-term care facility manager may be involved in administration patient assessments, providing employment schedules. The facility manager must keep service records, superintending fun functions for live-in patients, supervision the admissions order, preparing new employees, and buying medical equipment. Long-term care facility administrators will often tend conferences frequently with physicians, therapists, families, and regional administrating panels. Case managers guarantee that patients experience medically suitable assistance. They need to be specialists concerning public and private insurance reimbursement arrangements concerning healthcare. Case managers analyze charts and coincide with other healthcare professionals to assure that patients experience appropriate levels of attention. They expedite acceptance and discharge processes. Case managers operate holistically, guaranteeing that administration and discharge arrangements meet the physical, societal, and emotional needs of patients.

Current Health Care Trends

The changing demographic characteristics of the U.S. population indicate that older adults of the future will be more ethnically and culturally diverse and will include a greater share of the oldest old. These changes in the aging population will affect projected demand for LTC services, including the preferred settings in which care is delivered, and the necessary workforce to meet the demand. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has said that “the demands associated with long-term care might pose the greatest challenge for both personal/family resources and public resources” (2015).

At Pruitt Health, and many other long-term care facilities will have to strive to continue to retool to be responsive to ethic-cultural needs and expectations of a more culturally diverse population. This may also have substantial implications for workforce recruitment. A truly responsive and effective provider system must recruit and develop a workforce that agrees to cultural differences or fail to optimize access and outcomes for significant segments of the population. There are already challenges in some communities where healthcare workforce recruitment struggles to keep up with healthcare workforce needs. Pruitt Health is open to diversity in our workforce and plans to make the necessary adjustments to many of the facilities to make residents as comfortable as possible. Even if that means making the facilities more home-like so the older will want to come receive care instead to a home health care.


The American Association of Managed Care Nurses (2016). Retrieved from http://www.aamcn.org.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Long-term care services in the United States: 2013 overview. Hyattsville, MD. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nsltcp/long_term_care_services_2013.pdf.

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