Human Resource Management Overview

University of Phoenix


Human Resource Management is the role within an organization that focuses on the recruitment, management, and direction for the people who work in an organization. The main functionalities of Human Resource Management are, training, personnel administration, planning, performance and reward management, talent management, employee relationship, recruitment, and training. Below is my six month plan for making this Human Resource Department the most effective at this organization.

In the first month I will research the organization to identify the different types of scopes to make this HR the best it can be. During month two I will use the data gathered during month one to create a specific plan for the organization and I will set reasonable goals for this organization to meet. It will consist of different planning and research that helps us come to the best solution. During month three we will begin our recruitment stage. We will bring in new employees that have good communication skills, motivational skills, performance and other related skills. They should be goal driven and detail oriented as well. During month four we will begin training the new recruits to help them develop the skills they need and to prepare them for future challenges they may face in the career in our organization. During month five we will create a reward plan to help motivate the employees. This will give us a chance to take a closer look on the employee’s performance and help us to filter out the less efficient employees. Lastly in month six the HR department should be properly implemented with enough skilled employees to handle the work load. I will start begin working on making our plan more efficient and start leading our employees to the way of achieving higher goals for the company.

Some important factors to consider in the formulation of this department are, organizational structure, budget, organizational environment, compliance, and organization size and industry. These factors may come into play any time throughout the six-month plan and we should be prepared for any disaster that may come up. We want to be sure that we stay within our budget, and stay within compliance of state laws and regulations. Also we want to be sure that our organization can handle bringing on more employees and more work orders.

The human resource department has many disciplines in its structure. For example, giving an employee a clean understanding of what is expected of them. The outcome all depends on the understanding. The first discipline should be providing a clean understanding about the organization, organizational structure, product, services, and how to act in different situations. Another example is generating good moral. The morality matters for the success of an organization. The immoral employees are always risky for an organization and they normally don’t bring much success to the company. It is important to be sure that all the employees are loyal to the company and that they will not commit any immoral activities. It is also important to respect your colleagues. HR will deal with organizational matters and the organizational environment completely relies on the attitude of the HR managers. The employees should provide respect for each other and they should be helpful to each other. It will ensure a fair environment to move forward and achieve higher goals. Lastly discipline in private and praise in public is important. When an employee is praised in public, then they are encouraged to work harder. It is considered a great motivational tool. Privately disciplining the employee will make them feel that the organization values their privacy and doesn’t want to put on a show for everyone to see.

The success or failure of an organization is reliant on on the usefulness of the HR department. The organization with having an effective HR department is more successful than the organization that doesn’t have an effective HR. The HR deals with the most important resources of the organization. The employees are considered as the most valuable resource for an organization as the success or failure of an organization is completely dependent on them. The HR department helps the organization to make the best use of that resource and implement the plan.

The organization makes a plan to move with and the HR department does the rest. The HR have to deal with the recruitment of employees and provide them training to move forward. The HR have to find out the talent of an employee and manage the performance of every employee to ensure high production. The proper utilization of employees constantly leads an organization to achievement. The HR have to make a compensation plan, reward the employees and perform different tasks to motivate the employees.

The administration doesn’t deal with every individual employee of the organization but the HR has to do it. The HR knows the desire and the talent of the employees. They know how to bring accomplishment for the organization. The strategic and effective management is one of the main necessities along with the effective and strategic key level staffs of an organization to attain the desired goals.

References,. (2015). BBC – Higher Bitesize Business Management – Role and importance of human resources : Revision. Retrieved 12 September 2015, from

Findlaw,. (2015). Forming Discipline Policies – FindLaw. Retrieved 12 September 2015, from

Small Business –,. (2015). Internal Factors to Consider in Human Resource Planning. Retrieved 12 September 2015, from

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