HRM 517 Assignment 2: Project Leadership Roles at TriHealth

Project Leadership Roles at TriHealth


Strayer University

Managing Human Resources Projects, HRM517

Identify the common roles in a human resource project. Then, analyze these roles to typical human resource functions.

Strategic goals of an organization are reached primarily thru projects. There are many people who are involved in these projects and they all have specific roles to perform. Human Resource (HR) project management have broken these roles down into three levels; Executive, Managerial, and Associate. After reviewing the roles at TriHealth I noticed three roles with the same name used by human resource management; Sponsor, Core Team Member, and Subject Matter Expert (SME). Also, the Project Leader roles at TriHealth are similar to the roles at the Managerial level but have different titles. Depending on the size of an organization or the project its self, different roles can be performed by the same person.

The main role of the Sponsor is to provide the financial resources for the project. The sponsor can also be the customer or someone who will be affected by the outcome of the project. TriHealth and HR both defines the role of the Sponsor in four different stages with common responsibilities. The first stage is the initiating stage. The sponsor role in this stage is to define the charter and all the guidelines of the project. Next is the planning stage; ensuring the relationships with all the major team players. Then there is the executing stage where the sponsor communicates with the stakeholders. The last stage is the closing stage. The sponsor ensures the closing of the project and captures the lessons learned.

Core team members and SMEs are the final common roles. Core team members are a part of the project from start to finish. They understand the what the project is and what is the expectant outcome should be. A team member will work with everyone on the project. SMEs are not team members but they participate in meetings and supply requirements. They may help to make decisions about the project when it concerns specific expertise to move the project onward.

Reorganize any two (2) roles at TriHealth that result in shared responsibilities and then state why you chose those two roles.

The sponsor and project leader roles are two roles within the TriHealth project leadership with shared responsibilities. The sponsor meets with the project leader and goes over his roles and responsibilities. The sponsor also communicates with the leader throughout all the stages of the project. He knows everything that needs to be done and when. When the project leader needs assistance facilitating the project the sponsor will ensure a plan is in place to make it happen.

I came to this decision because the sponsor has to know every aspect of the project and is heavily involved with the project at all stages. As a mentor to the project leader desires to manage the project successfully. According to our text, the sponsor should insist on a milestones schedule, risk assessments, budget reports and a communication plans (Kloppenborg, 2012). If the sponsor responsibilities include all of these roles then they are more than capable of performing the project leader roles. TriHealth also has a person assigned to the project as the performance improvement consultant whose roles is to basically backup/support both the sponsor and the leader. There would be less confusion if the consultant help one person instead of two, the sponsor.

Suggest the short-term and long-term effects on the company with roles being shared among employees.

The short-term effects of roles being shared within an organization means more people working towards the same goal to complete the project on schedule. Shared responsibilities gives more than just one employee the opportunity to share their skills and knowledge. It also builds team cohesiveness. When an employee believes they are helping the organization reach their goals it motivates them to do their best. Having a good communication plan is the key factor in sharing roles. As HR professionals we should make use of our project team and choose employees whom are skilled taking on this responsibility (Stulgienė, 2012). The long-term effects on roles being shared could possibly have the opposite effect as the short-term goals. The employees that have shared roles may think one person has more responsibility than the other. It is human nature for a person to feel insecure when they are unsure of their roles. This will cause them to become a distant, less productive member of the project team.

Analyze the need for an additional role. Then, propose a new role and its proposed impact.

I think a functional manager would be beneficial to the TriHealth project. A functional manager is usually a department head and a person that has longevity within the organization. This person is most often a person who will benefit from a successful project. At the functional manager level this person will be able to analyze the project and assign the right people for each area. They can also discuss how well a specific person is doing whereas, the project leader can discuss how well the project is doing. The functional manager reviews the strategy of the organization and how well employees are performing that strategy and striving to reach the organizational goals. The project manager is tactical, focused on finishing this project successfully.


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Cabanis-Brewin, Jeannette; Dinsmore, Paul C. The AMA Handbook of Project Management, Edition: 3rd ed. New York : AMACOM. 2011. eBook. , Database: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Haji-Kazemi, Sara; Andersen, Bjørn; Krane, Hans Petter. A Review on Possible Approaches for Detecting Early Warning Signs in Projects. Project Management Journal. Oct2013, Vol. 44 Issue 5, p55-69. 15p. 1 Black and White Photograph, 1 Diagram, 2 Charts. DOI: 10.1002/pmj.21360. , Database: Business Source Complete

Jovanović, Petar; Čolić, Vladeta; Dordević, Vojislav; Mitić, Ana. Management (1820-0222). 2012, Issue 64, p69-76. 8p. DOI: 10.7595/management.fon.2012.0017. , Database: Business Source Complete

Kloppenborg, T. ( 2012). Human Resource Project Management, Cengage Learning

Stulgienė, Asta; Ciutienė, Rūta. Economics & Management. 2012, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p1214-1218. 5p. DOI: 10.5755/j01.em.17.3.2145. , Database: Business Source Complete


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