The Plaza Home Health Services

The Plaza Home Health Services

HSA 505

Strayer University

The Plaza Home Health Services

Describe the current marketing communication, identity, and brand positioning at the Plaza Home Health Services.

The Plaza Home Health Services is a health care entity located in Georgetown co-owned by Nancy Edwards and Jennifer Moore. The Plaza Home Health Services was established quickly by the two after they were employed as nurses at a medical center in Georgetown. Market communication is identified as the study and practice of communicating promotional health information such as in public health campaigns, health education, and confidential information between doctor and patient. The purpose of disseminating health information is to influence personnel health choices by improving health literacy. Marketing your health care practice provides an open line of communication to your patient audience by building trust and piquing interest. Health care marketing allows individuals to increase their patient connections and nurture those relationships from short-term to long-term patients. Nancy and Jennifer have recently celebrated their one year anniversary as health care entrepreneurs and they decided to invest in some identity enhancements for their company to evaluate the status of the Plaza Home Health Services. Nancy and Jennifer plan to achieve the goal of evaluating their status by upgrading its associated brand image, bolstering corporate identity, and recognizing consumers to position the firm for continued success in the coming years. Due to Nancy and Jennifer’s determination, their business has thrived and they have attributed their success to their commitment to deliver home health care service excellence, take risks to exceed expectations of the patients and to service level offered by the competitors. They understood that in order for their business to thrive they had to hire high quality caretakers so they created a compensation and benefits package so they could recruit the most capable individuals and create a competition. These practices are all equally important because they focus on most basic level health care market communication which helps your patients. The overriding goal for all of your health care marketing activities should be to tell your desired patients how you can solve their problems making them confident in your care for them (Benkler, 2019).

Market identity are all of the components related to a product service, company, or person. Market identify usually consist of the name, logo, tone, tagline, typeface, and shape that create an appeal. Brand identity is the message the consumer receives from the product, person, or thing. Due to their rush into the marker combined with insufficient funds, Nancy and Jennifer are seeking to make some identity changes based on the companies’ success by upgrading, enhancing, and repairing their business identity. Upon going into business for themselves, they had a poorly conceived logo which lead to them having uninspiring business cards and promotional brochures that were poorly designed among other issues (Madison, 2019). With their rapid cash flow, they are able to design a new logo for their company.

Brand position communicates the brand value proposition with consistency, clarity, conviction, and credibility in a way that has meaning for consumers and is unmatched by other companies. Nancy and Jennifer had meetings to discuss improvements for their brand starting with reviewing multiple varieties of branding. In the end, they agreed on sticking with their original brand because they did not want to create confusion among their customers who had already grown familiar with their brand name. Instead, they decided to focus on the color, text and symbols used within the logo to attract more clientele. Finally, the two decided to only change the color of their logo because all the symbols were used and they wanted something unique and they could not decide on a specific font. The motive behind the change was that it could increase the companies’ value and help to upgrade their entity in hopes of further increasing their brands position in the marketplace (Klein, 2019).

Conduct a SWOT analysis of the current marketing communication, identity, and brand position of the Plaza Home Health Services.

A SWOT analysis provides programs and organizations with a clear, easy-to-understand map of internal and external factors that either help or harm a product by listing a project’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. According to SWOT analysis, the Plaza Home Health Services market identity is strong because Nancy and Jennifer were both committed to providing quality health care to their patients; A strategy that could help in increasing the entities value and patient care. The Plaza Home Health Services market identity according to a SWOT analysis suggests that the market identity is weak because their logos, promotional brochures, and business cards needed to be upgraded to ensure future growth and profits. Upgrading these brands identity would ultimately increase the companies’ value and give them a competitive advantage. Their brand position suggests that the entities brand position is weak but it has provided the entity with valuable profits that the entrepreneurs can use for their advantage of upgrading their brand position. If upgraded the Plaza Home Health Service could improve their entities value and overall patient satisfaction (Bowling, 2019).

Access the importance of benchmarking in the Plaza Home Health Services’ development and implementation of an effective market brand communication, identity, and brand position.

The market communication in terms of benchmarking for continuous growth as compared to its competitors does not need improvement. The entrepreneurs’ commitment to excellent patient care has brought both value to their entity and patient satisfaction. Although their market identity was successful and the brand position was profitable, both still needed to be upgraded. However, their commitment to changing the entities brand identity should help to improve its value and profits. The brand upgrade could help ensure that the entities development and implementation of effective marketing strategies could help to improve the entities patient satisfaction and value (Kahn, 2019).

Compare the Plaza Home Health Services to another health care entity. Determine if the Plaza Home Health needs to implement a new branding and communication strategy. Provide rationale for your response.

When comparing the Plaza Home Health Services to Mercy Catholic Home Health Services in Philadelphia, both use branding and market communication to alert the public of any new or old health care services. They have upgraded their image to bring in new patients becoming leaders in the health care industry in their communities. Also, they are committed to providing excellent patient care. Although the Plaza Home Health Services needed an upgrade to improve their image, they are equally respected in the community and by their competitors as Mercy Catholic Home Health Services. As they continue to make lots of profit and upgrade their brands, they can ensure growth and profits in the future. These upgrades help to ensure that these businesses will keep up with changing technologies and the ever increasing population within the community while being in the health care industry (Kleppinger, & Cain, 2019).


Benkler, Youchai. (2019, September). Open wireless vs. licensed spectrum. Evidence from market adaption. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology. Retrieved from the Strayer University database.

Bowling, Ernie. (2019, January). Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Health Times. Retrieved from the Strayer University database.

Kahn, Noah. (2019, September). National health care capital project benchmarking-An owner’s perspective. Health Environments Research & Design. doi 10.1177/19537586709000300172. Retrieved from the Strayer University database.

Klein, Richard. (2019, September). Are you brand savvy? A self-assessment report card. Health Services Review. Retrieved from the Strayer University database.

Klepping, Courtney, & Cain, Jeff. (2019, January). Personnel brand as a professional asset in the digital age. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. doi 10.5688/ajme79679. Retrieved from the Strayer University database.

Madison, Kristin. (2019, January). Patients as “regulators”. Journal of legal medicine. Retrieved from the Strayer University database.

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