
In any learning process, questions are deemed to rise. In a class presentation that I was undertaking, I gave a chance for the class to ask questions that would help the class understand the concept I was presenting better. I received almost all kinds of questions; some were very objective, others painfully stupid, while others were off the point.

The question I found most interesting and helpful to the class from my point of view, was a question that was based on certain facts, whether proven and assumed. It was hypothetical in nature and was structured in a “what if” format. I found it helpful because it elicited generalized answers even in absence of particular dependable. It was thought provoking, and stretched the class’ imagination as well as mine, something very healthy for the intellect.

A question was asked, that I found so useless, and in fact time wasting. Why ask unanswerable questions in a class presentation, knowing very well that they can’t be answered? These are questions that are flawed in their structure, or a major error made in their presumptions as also mentioned by (Fadem & Fadem, 2010).


Fadem, T., & Fadem, T. (2010). Questioning strategies for focused results. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Education Pub. as FTPress Delivers

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