Human Performance

Human Performance

The results of my Human Metrics Jug Typology Test are as follows:

Extravert (100%)  iNtuitive (38%)  Thinking (38%)  Judging (33%)

You have strong preference of Extraversion over Introversion (100%)

You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)

You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (38%)

You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%)

Motivation refers to the direction, persistence and the degree of effort executed by an employee or individual to attain a specific goal.

KSA or (Knowledge Skills Abilities) are elements that enable an employer’s workforce to achieve activities that are required to perform their job. In addition, it also rates how well an employee is suited for the position or job that they are in.

Environment has a direct link to the physical surroundings in which performance must occur, including barriers and aids to performance. Environment also comprises the objects and events that one may see as indicating that your performance will be rewarded or punished.

According the course material:

Performance =Motivation x KSA (Knowledge Skills Abilities) x Environment*

*The environment provides the opportunity to perform

Motivation is an important element of human performance, especially in the workplace. Motivation is considered a series of internal and external elements that exhilarate energy in an individual to become continuously interested and dedicated to their jobs or goal. When an individual is motivated then they tend to perform better. Performing better can be not only a benefit to the employee’s performance evaluation at work, but maximizes an employer’s workforce and increases their bottom line. For example, an organization of a software company implements a reward for performance incentive that pays monetary compensation with a percentage of quarterly profits to software developers for successfully meeting deadline goals for completion of software product development.

To further demonstrate the importance, let’s take a step further so that I can stress emphasis on the two types of strategies organizations can utilize to motivate employees.

Extrinsic Motivation

These forms of motivation are actions that are driven by an exterior source such as money, complement, rating, or popularity. Examples would include thing such as medals, plaques, money, or media attention or recognition.

Intrinsic Motivation

These forms of motivation are actions and behaviors that are a part of internal recognition or rewards. Examples would be merely getting a mental or internal reward from enjoyment of doing something. I enjoy writing true stories, so I wouldn’t be concerned with extrinsic motivation through being rewarded externally, because my reward would be the fact that I enjoy writing anyways and are being allowed to do it.

According the course material, the key differences between Behaviorist and Congestive models are that the cognitive approach suggests that the learner controls learning while the behaviorist approach suggests that the environment controls learning.

With the behaviorist approach the trainer controls learning by controlling the stimuli and consequences that the learner experiences. The learner relies on the trainer to appoint the correct union between stimulus and response.

With congestive approach, learners control the learning. Potential learners engage in training and development with their own set of goals and priorities. They acquire a group of cognitive formations for interpreting their environment and how it works. They can even implement their own set of techniques on how to learn. The learners determine what is relevant to learn and go about learning by employing the techniques they created and with which they feel satisfied.


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