Human Resource Policies and Procedures

Assignment 2: Human Resource Policies and Procedures

HSA 530 (Health Services Human Resources)

August 23, 2015

Influence of Joint Commission on HRM functions

A JCAHO has significantly influenced fundamental functions of HRM within an acute hospital where I was currently appointed as the HR manager .The commission has done this through stressing the significant of long-term education as well as training. The commission controls and set guidelines meant for medical facilities together with the staff. Guidelines are normally set which certify credentials required for hiring, descriptions of the job alongside filling of the vacant posts within the hospital.

A Joint Commission advocates for detailed policy in support of the continuation education of particular healthcare professions .For example, nurses demands intermittent assessments in the audits period for published proofs meant for hospital’s functioning (Gallagher, 2006). Continuing with education is indispensable to safe as well as the successful nursing care. Amount of acquaintance needed towards taking care of seriously ill patients can never be acquired merely via experience at a bedside. The present emphasis on proficiency within health care illustrates that hospitals are supposed to ensure their professional nurses get continuous education to ensure competency in their work. Nurses have expert as well as the legal responsibility towards updating their acquaintance and applying that acquaintance to a bedside (Dickens, 2010).

The hospital has the procedures of ensuring that all the professional nurses wishing to further their studies do so without interfering with the hospital programs. The HRM of the hospital carries this duty in turn. The department relieves two nurses at a time for the study checking at the number it possess. This has improved the quality of care given to the patients since it doesn’t create shortage within the hospital.

Importance of collaboration of HR and departmental mangers when hiring personnel

Hospital’s department HR is a link between its workers and all units within its roof. Apparently, an HR unit seems to carry out little more than handling office ins and outs .The department is the representatives of work towards completing payroll processing, addressing compliance matters as well as filling out other pertinent official procedures. In reality, the unit is much more of help since it assists in bringing other units of the hospital together then aid them achieve more. No successful HR unit is an island.

To a certain extent, HR is supposed to be the center of collaboration making several departments of the organization to collaborate in support of good of the hospital operations (Wayne, 2009). HR officials possess the great deal of fanatical knowledge concerning financial planning, human capital as well as other imperative aspects which make the hospital operation to be most successful. Administrators of the healthcare are supposed to utilize these proficiencies to promote their hospital’s goals and objectives. HR professionals are similarly operating hand in hand with the recruiting and hiring sections to assist them formulate good decisions whenever it comes to hiring of the personnel. The motive for this is straightforward: HR mangers have the tendency of possessing great skills of people that comes in handy since the job interrogation concerns greatly with reading individuals.

HR executives are particularly helpful in recruiting procedures since individuals are likely to be untruthful in the period of the interview course. Having HR mangers which are skillful in leveling with individuals as well as involving them in honest conversations can assist to some extent in eradicating this dilemma.HR is a fundamental resource for the whole organization. The much more that directors for the human capital might do to operate smoothly with other sections in an organization, the more the organization may eventually achieve.

Training outline for managers

Summary: This part summarizes the main aspects, processes as well as steps required in carrying out an effective safety management program.

Objective: At the end of this training, the managers will be capable of:


  • Recognize the main aspects of an effectual safety as well as the system in within the health management
  • Describe the critical processes within the health system
    • Comprehend the initial procedures required in implementing health management programs

    Compensation plan

    • Safety and the health system management-
    • Involvement of the management
      • Coordinating the main aspects
      • Moving beyond compliance
      • Various ways in which compliance and health system management fits together
      • What are the interviewing techniques in identifying the right person for the post?
      • Management policies

    The compensation strategy describes the way an institution views as well as manages workers’ pay plus benefits. The plan acts as a manual and ought to be illustrated in a written manuscript which evidently expresses the institution’s approach towards compensation administration. The effective compensation plan acts towards motivating present employees as well as attracting fresh ones to the organization. These are some of the significant factors to consider and their direct impact:

    Budget allocation- Assigning budget money to pay alongside benefits may assist in controlling employees, health care together with other assorted benefit expenses.

    Developing ranges of salary – This helps the institution be competitive in their service delivery. It is significant to benchmark liked duties in an organization then create its pay outline.

    Salary audit- Due to markets change, it is imperative to conduct regular salary audits. This has a direct impact as it ensures that salary ranges replicates the present compensation trends within the hospital.

    Legal compliance- A good compensation plan should incorporate legal prerequisites. The direct impact of legal requirement is to ensure that the hospital is complying with each and every federal as well as state rules and regulations.

    Performance Appraisal

    The most performance appraisal that would be the most significant for this health care organization is the confidential records method. Also, on another note HR department can develop a security access procedure for these various types of situations. The HR can keep an overview by cross-referencing in one file the relevant documents in other file. If a person who has access to one files wants to see another document in a separate file, he or she would have to have clearance under the file access procedure in order to do that.

    Confidential records method of appraisal-. Here, a report is presented within the form the Yearly Confidentiality Report (YCR). The method can record ratings with regard to following listed items:



    Team work,



    technical capability,

    Reasoning capability,

    Originality as well as resourcefulness.

    This method of appraisal is highly cagey and top secreted that is why am recommending it for the organization. Feedback to an assessed is typically provided only in an instance of the bad admission.

    Strategy for managing both performance- and behavioral-based employee problems

    To manage the predicaments in performance as well as behaviors of workers, as the Human Resource manager I will use performance expectation strategy. For good performance, workers are supposed to know whatever is anticipated from them by the management. The preliminary tip is the latest job description which illustrates the necessary functions, tasks, as well as responsibilities for any particular job assigned to any worker (Wayne, 2009).

    It similarly describes the broad sections of acquaintance and skills needed from an employee to be triumphant within his/her job area. Whenever an HR is discussing expectations in performance, an employee is supposed to comprehend the reason why that job exists, wherever it fits within the institution, and the way the responsibilities for the job connect the health care and departmental goals. Performance expectations range can be grouped into two classes: Results -The services rendered by the worker frequently is deliberated through objectives or to some extent standards. Behaviors and actions– Approaches alongside the means utilized towards enhancing the behaviors and actions are shown during the work process; to be successful will including all employees from the CEO to the front line workers. Behaviors and actions might be quantified by dimensions in performance.


    Dickerson, P. (2010). Continuing Nursing Education: Enhancing Professional Development. Journal on continuing education for Nurses, Vol.41:100–101.

    Gallagher L. (2006). Continuing Education in Nursing: A Concept Analysis. Nursing Educational Journal, vol.27:466–473.

    Wayne, E. (2009). Performance Management Strategies. How To Create And Deploy Effective Metrics. TDW Report. Retrieved on 17 July 2015 from

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