Dietary Intake Assessment

Dietary Intake Assessment

HWE 200 Introduction to Health and Wellness

Dietary Intake Assessment

Analyze your daily fat, saturated fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and caloric intake. Explain how your numbers compared with the goal levels.

Today is the first day that I tracked what I was eating throughout the day. I am really not a breakfast person because of my hours for work. I usually eat a bowl of honey nut cheerios with ½ cup of skim milk which I love, and I often eat a b owl for lunch. The calories that I intake is about 300 just from eating two bowls on this day. On the same day before I went to bed around 5 o’clock I had a can of tuna with some crackers that can alone was 90 calories and the 5-saltine cracker I had with the tuna was around 65 calories. I started this week on an 1,800-count calorie diet and on this day my calorie intake was great. I have been drinking only water not eating the junk food working out daily has made a change in a week my numbers for the goal I set has been good it is up to me to keep my health on track.

Identify what vitamins and minerals fell below the goal level.

There was a good amount of vitamin missing on this such as vitamin A, B6, E, Zinc I take Caltrate which gives me vitamin C, and D.

Elaborate on how your protein intake compared with the goal level. Discuss specific grams.

My intake on my protein on this day was 136 the proteins from each bowl of cereal was 7g which has 4 calories per gram I ate 2 bowls which gave 56 calories and the can of tuna was 20g which was 80 calories I am at my goal to improving my health I am satisfied with my protein intake on that day.

Explain the role and importance of consuming each of the following:








It is usually better to get your minerals and vitamins from food you eat instead of taking pills because food may contain other things that are good for you. Vitamins help the body grow and work the way they are supposed to also can help resist infections and keeping your nerves healthy and get the energy from eating healthy food. Minerals also help the body to function as it suppose and like vitamins eating a healthy diet you may get enough of the mineral you need.

The primary function of carbohydrates is to provide your body with energy and can also store energy.

We all need water to survive our body weight is approximately 60% water the body uses water in all its cells, organs and tissues so it can regulate temperature and maintain bodily function. Because we lose water it is very important that we rehydrate our bodies by drinking fluids. How much you drink depends on different factors of your lifestyle and the climate you live in.

Protein is an important component of every cell in your body which include your hair, nails. Protein is your body help to build and repair tissues.

Fiber benefits your body by helping your digestion system and can reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Fat is another source of energy that is in a person’s diet. Fat is also a carrier for the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K and they support their absorption in the intestine.

Identify the effect your diet has on your health and wellness. Does your dietary intake protect you or increase your health risks?

Identify the effect your diet has on your health and wellness. Does your dietary intake protect you or increase your health risks?

The food we put in our mouth by choice affect your health this can affect you how you feel for the rest of your life but id you combine physical activity and a healthy diet this can reduce the risk of you getting chronic diseases and promote your overall health. Your dietary intake can protect you from getting illness that comes from a poor diet also will help you maintain a healthy weight.

Explain two chronic diseases directly related to an unhealthy diet.

There are several diseases that comes from an unhealthy diet such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. All of the diseases that I mention in a typical American diet they are high in calories, saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars with few fruits, vegetables, fiber, calcium.

Explain two ways you could improve your diet. Be specific and provide examples.

One way to improve our diet would be to make a meal plan for the week prep the weight and the amount you eat and log it so that you can keep track of what you eat and base that on your calorie diet you are on. Another way to improve our diet would be to eat at least 80% full this way you will never overeat when you are eating your meal this falls in place with the first way, I spoke od by weighing your food.


HHS Office, & Council on Sports. (2017, January 26). Importance of Good Nutrition. Retrieved

March 9, 2020, from


Powers, S. K., & Dodd, S. L. (2017). Total fitness & wellness, the Mastering Health edition (7th

ed.). Retrieved from

Why Good Nutrition is Important: Center for Science in the Public Interest. (n.d.). Retrieved March 9, 2020, from

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