INF 340 Week 5 Assignment 1 – Gym Expansion: Project Documentation – PowerPoint Presentation

Gym Expansion: Project Documentation

INF 340 Business Systems Analysis

Proposed System Data Entry

{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}Customer Account InformationProgram Ver. 1.02Full Name (Last, First, MI)DOB (MM/DD)Address (Street, City, Zip)Phone number (xxx)xxx-xxxxMembership ID numberTrainer NameFitness Record Uploaded? Y/NDate Fitness Program began? (MM/DD/YY)Last date modified (MM/DD/YY)

Proposed System Data Entry Cont.

Form: Customer Account StatusUsers: Managers utilizing information to generate customer accounts for new membersTask: Assess customer information: Name, DOB, Fitness information, year started, status of fitnessSystem: OracleEnvironment: Small office setting

Proposed System Data Entry Cont.

Information provided on the form specifically describes relevant content required for Trainer/Customer relations. Trainer has updated records of customer start dates to be used for milestonesForm is basic, clear and easy to read for both customer and trainer

Documentation Tasking

Due to the expansion of gym memberships, number of memberships are expected to rise within the next fiscal yearData management and security of information will be managed by third party companyThird party will be responsible for optimization, privacy act protection and storage

Documentation Tasking Cont.

Third party company will compile an alphabetical listing of all customers who obtain a membershipThird party will be specialized in data organization Third party will determine relevant information for storage/information that can be discarded

Stakeholders Requirements

Due to new system upgrade, stockholder interest must also be considered in addition to customer interest. Meeting and coordination between primary stockholders, project managers, analysts and contractors.Plans and any major issues will be presented to ensure everyone is in the know

Stakeholders Requirements Cont.

Issues which will cause major delay to upgrade must be addressed to all parties. Delays to due dateContractor issuesFacility issuesFunding issuesMajor changes in system design (financial aspect)


Valacich, J., George, J., & Hoffer, J. (2015). Essentials of systems analysis and design (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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