Intervention Mapping Model

Intervention Mapping Model

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Intervention mapping model theory is developed in a structured manner to help in planning activities on methods to prevent the spreading of diseases in the world. The theory involves proper planning and support programs to ease in decision making and problems and the problems identified should be solved in a systematic manner. Conducting of civic education is as well encouraged in health promotion that has developed in many countries including Africa and Asia nations. Model tends to cover the behavioral approach by organizations and individual pursuing to achieve better health mechanisms.

The model has been involved in curbing the spread of disease in the world thereafter, reducing the rate of infection and deaths. Moreover, model has been used to provide a platform to solve major drawbacks in health provision. Provision of resources to the community and identification to the key barrier to access better healthcare is largely covered and mitigated. These can be done through conducting of public education and forums to educate the community on the dangers of the diseases as well as mechanism to prevent mechanism. Further, profitable partnerships are encouraged by the model and open a wide range of culturally based interventions across all ethnic groups (Lean, 2013).

The first component to include in the model is critical thinking structure to enable better problem-solving mechanism among the practitioners, consultation and engaging with the general public. Defining of the problem that arises becomes the second stage. At this level, all problems identified in the first stage solution are found through brainstorming and consultative meetings of parties involved. At the third level different groups present the ideas thus enabling the determination of appropriate mechanism to solve issues presented (Manfredi & D’Onofrio, 2013).

However, the model has its weakness as it purely reflect on decision making and planning of activities. Techniques involved are very complicated and require highly managed information technology structures which have not been embraced in many countries. This makes the exercise so costly and time-consuming to individuals involved in the developing of the model. Despite having some weakness, it has advantages over other models which include a proper designed structure, develops rational planning and eliminate prejudice in the system (Lean, 2013).

The model designed is the best as it will provide thorough control to spread of chronic diseases accounting for death currently in the world. Conducting of civic education is really encouraged in promoting quality healthcare in developed and third countries of the world. The model tends to cover the behavioral approach by organizations and individual pursuing to achieve better health mechanisms (Manfredi & D’Onofrio, 2013).

In conclusion, better health care becomes the major goal of many countries. This would reduce the high rate of deaths experienced in the current world.


Lean, D. S. (2013). School-based mental health: A framework for intervention. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

In Manfredi, P., & In D’Onofrio, A. (2013). Modeling the interplay between human behavior and the spread of infectious diseases. New York: Springer.

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