Juvenile Offender Flow Chart

Juvenile Offender Flow Chart




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Juvenile Offender Flow Chart

Colleen M is aged 15 years is involved in a juvenile case. Colleen M is a Caucasian girl who finds herself in a situation of juvenile offender case. The things she is doing and all activities she is involving herself. From the case study one, we clearly notice that Colleen M is a juvenile offender. There are laws and regulations that must be followed in any state. Colleen goes against the law therefore she finds herself in hands of law whereby she faces all the juvenile justice processes as illustrated in the following flow chart.

The above flow chart gives clear explanation on how juvenile justice system operates. Judicial procedures involved in juvenile system are shown. To start with at arrest of Colleen, the decisions are prepared by the judicial system about the arrest. The judicial system has a responsibility of directing the case to justice system or fails to take it there. After negotiating with the all parties involved in the case, law enforcement authority therefore makes decision making about 83% of referrals and officers of probation team takes over. After negotiating with parents, school, the victim as well as other parties involved in the case, court intake take over the case which is always under probation department of juvenile justice system. Intake stage decides the flow to which the case should take either to be dismissed or handled in two ways which are: informally or formally.

The captain of intake stage evaluates all available evidences of the offender to determine whether the accusations are true and satisfactory to allegations. The caption would determine whether formal or informal involvement would be taken if the proof is valid and if it is not valid, the case is dismissed. During the evaluation of evidences, the offender is always detained in the custody (Clement, 2007). The cases involved with Colleen M make her guilty since the evidenced are adequate. The information provided in the court to support the case concerning Colleen were sufficient. The prosecutor is now allowed to take action which may include filling the case in the juvenile court. The case can be taken to criminal court or young courtyard. When the case enters the young courtyard, the can witnessed two types of appeals which are the waiver and crime.

The crime petition brings up the accusations and strains the court to adjudicate the minor a criminal. The intake may also request the court to take the case to any criminal case. It is therefore according to the intake and the decision made the court that is taken. After decision making and the juvenile is considered delinquent, disposition plan is developed. The disposition plan expects the probation officer to have adequate knowledge and understanding about the minor. It also requires the officer to have access to programs and other support systems that are readily available in order for the judge to instruct a disposition.

On the other hand, the judge may as well decide that the minor is dedicated to a residential placement. The residential placement may be designed for a specific period of time. From statistics of the year 2009, (Peterson, 2014) they portray that, 27% of minors were placed in the residential housing whereby it can be managed privately or publicly. These replacement facilities are operated like homes. There are also houses called aftercare whereby the juvenile is taken after residential replacement (Clement, 2007).  Residential replacement moulds the juvenile and he is monitored too. If the minor is place in parole which is also a aftercare, he or she is monitored by the court fully. The correction department also comes in to monitor and supervise the minor. After a specified period of time, the minor is released.

In conclusion, Colleen and Xander were found guilty as seen from the two case studies and complied with the whole process of reformation. Xander was also a drug trafficking youth who did not abide by the laws and regulations and was found guilty. After the reformation, the two juveniles are therefore released and unite with their families as Juvenile and Delinquency prevention Act states. The family member should not as well treat them contrary to the law. They should offer a good environment for the growth of the minor in a productive way.


Clement, M. (2007). The juvenile justice system: Law and process (p. 80). Newton, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Peterson, M. B. (2014). Applications in criminal analysis: A sourcebook (pp. 90-91). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

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