Local Law Enforcement Agencies

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Local Law Enforcement Agencies

A local law enforcement agency is a government agency usually responsible for law enforcement locally. In simple terms, its work is to ensure that laws are rightly enforced. These agencies include local police officers, detectives, patrolmen and sheriffs(Increasing analytic capacity of state and local law enforcement agencies, n.d.).

Local law enforcement agencies can prevent terrorism if only they are committed to their call and duty. The more the police we have the less crimes are committed. Therefore, the local law enforcement agencies should ensure that, more police officers are placed in the local areas which register the highest crimes. When placed in those areas with high concentration of crimes, they are able to patrol by looking at law violations and investigating who violate the law then arrest the responsible people(Durmaz, Sevinc, Yayla, & Ekici, 2007). When the police are on patrol, they mostly concentrate on monitoring the suspicious people and also they can conduct stops in the traffic and arrest the high speeders because most of the terrorists over speed.

This job is stressful at times and therefore, thorough training should be done to the law enforcement professionals. They should be trained on how to fight the terrorists back without losing battle because terrorists are highly armed.

War ammunitions should be provided. The police should be highly armed in order to be able to end terrorism. Most of the terrorists have guns which are better than those owned by the police and therefore the police should improve the type of weapons they use.

High education and standard quality grades should be a requirement when one wants to join the department of law enforcement. Most of the terrorists are highly educated and therefore they grasp easily the new tactics of fighting. They end up killing lots of the police and continue to carry out more attacks(Police as first preventers, 2007).

Local police should practice faithfulness in their jobs and stop the issue of receiving bribe from those who violate the law. Whenever they receive bribe, they encourage crime to be committed since people will be thinking that there is a way out.

They should also carryout frequent check-ups and inspection of vehicles first of all to know whether those in the vehicles are citizens of the country and if not, inspect whether they have the right documents allowing them to enter the country. The luggage should also be inspected because some weapons are being transported in the country secretly.

The local law enforcement agencies should also stop the behavior covering up crimes. Terrorism will never end if those who are supposed to help in ending it end up covering those responsible for the purpose of their selfish gains.

The local law enforcers should also create a good relationship with the local dwellers and encourage them to report any suspicious thing that happens and also ensure them of safety once they report the law breakers. If they become unfriendly to the local dwellers, they will never achieve their goal of ending terrorism because the terrorists living in those areas will always fight the police back.


Durmaz, H., Sevinc, B., Yayla, A., & Ekici, S. (2007). Understanding and responding to terrorism (1st ed.). Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, in cooperation with NATO Public Diplomacy Division.

Increasing analytic capacity of state and local law enforcement agencies (1st ed.).

Police as first preventers. (2007) (1st ed.). Washington.

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