Managing People and Teams

MBA-5110-8 Managing People and Teams

Week 5 Assignment: Assess an Organization’s Structure


When thinking, and learning about organizations and their structure we will learn the two different types, and the ability to be successful. The first item is learning about mechanistic vs organic, the task role, rigid or flexible, communication, decision making, and sensitivity to environment. In this paper, I will rate the preference of the organization where I work.

Mechanistic Structure

Mechanistic structure is also known as bureaucratic structure. This is a structure that is characterized by the centralization of authority and the formalization of procedures and practices that are specialization of functions. One thing about mechanistic structure is it is a lot like organize structure (dictionary, 2016). Mechanistic structure is vertically oriented. What this means is the company has its departments into groups by similar activities. For example, production is also where the managers for production it at on the site. Then the spam of control gets smaller as the move up the organizational ladder gets smaller. However, the disadvantage of this structure that it causes is inherent bureaucracy efforts to responded to outside market forces, and red tape. The employees are free to be creative problem-solvers, and the employees suffer from low morale. This structure also causes isolation of departments. Yet, growing companies need to properly guide the organization though this type of control because organizations require efficiently steadiness and cost leadership (Johnson, 2016).

Stable Organizational structure is better in a stable environment
Low task Task will not change, because subtask stays the same and is easy to control
Departments work area There is little change in the departments and the functional areas, because departments don’t rely on other departments.
Centralized decision making No need for change, if market is sable
Standardization and formalization Task should be standardized and formalized so it can run smoothly.

(Stalker, n.d.)

Organic Organizational Structure

Organic structure adaptable elements may be semi-permanent or temporary. Supervisory authority, information and decision making must now flow more horizontally instead of moving up and down the company structure. Employee groups not the managers take responsibility for the outcome of a project. With organic organization, the team structure has representatives from different processes of functions to create employee teams. For example, the shipping department would be small parcels, and international. However, the advantage of organic structure is it is a faster moving, unpredictable environments that will not hold up to bureaucracy companies that will become agile. But will change with the conditions of the market which allow the independence and responsibility of creativity and innovation. That would allow improvements to be adopted quick with no red tape. These types of organizations enhance communication and cooperation, making employees have a higher morale. Yet the disadvantage in the organic organization must have control over the employees or processes could be hurt. Yet, if the organization’s market is stable the structure will flow and be competitive (Johnson, Organic Structure of Organizational Design, 2016).

Dynamic and uncertain environment Organizational structure works best in a dynamic and uncertain environment
High differentiation Task are often changing, task may need to be changed, and able to respond quickly
High integration of functional area Rapid communicational and informational sharing. Area needs to be tightly integrated
Decentered decision making Need for complex decision-making that includes lower levels
Little standardization and formalization Task change fast then it is unfeasible to start standardization and formalized procedures, task should adjust and balance

(Stalker, n.d.)

Rating of my organization

Based on my research, the company I work for is a mechanistic structure. This organization is vertical oriented because it’s departments are divided into groups by similar activities. For example, the shipping department has smaller departments inside each department, like shipping has small parcels, international, and freight departments inside the shipping department. The spam of control gets harder as you go up the management ladder, and the employees seem to suffer from low morale.


Business Organization2016

Mechanistic Organizational Structure2016

Mechanistic vs. Organic Organizationed Structure

Organic Structure of Organizational Design2016

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