MandM lab Physics

Trial Volume (CM3) Diameter (CM) Radius (CM) M&M Thickness (CM)
1  75  11.34  5.69  .738
2  83  12.27  6.135  .702
Trial M&M Thickness (CM)
1 0.642
2 0.741
3 0.683
Method Calculated Average Thickness (cm)
Indirect (from Table 1)  .72
Direct (from Table 2)  .69
Questions:When you performed Step 2 of the procedure, you actually made a cylinder of M&Ms. The cylinder was rather “smushed,” and the height of the cylinder was the thickness of an M&M. Recall that the equation for the volume of a cylinder is V = (3.14)r2h. Rearrange the equation for “h.” Show your work. V = (3.14)r2hV/(3.14)r2=hh=v/(3.14r2)Using the data from Table 1 and your equation, calculate the average thickness (height) of an M&M for each trial. Record your calculated values in Table 1. Hint: Students often forget that they must use the radius, and not the diameter, in the equation. Copy Table 1 into the assignment. H=75/(3.14(5.69)) 2H=.7377H=.738H=83/(3.14(6.135)) 2H=.7022H=.702You now have two values for the thickness of an M&M in Table 1. Determine the average M&M thickness using these values and record your value in Table 3. .738+.702=1.441.344/2=.72You have just determined a value for the thickness of an M&M using the indirect method. What makes this method “indirect”?This method is indirect because I myself recorded the data and I could have misinterpreted the data, which would result in an error.When Step 4 of the procedure was performed, a vernier caliper was used to measure the thickness of an M&M. Using the data from Table 2, calculate the average M&M thickness and record your value in Table 3. Copy Table 2 and Table 3 into the assignment. .642+.741=1.3831.383/2=.6915=.69You have just determined a value for the thickness of an M&M using the direct method. What makes this method “direct”?This method is direct because the accurate data was already recorded and there was no room for human error.Which method (indirect or direct) yields the “best” value for the average thickness of an M&M from the package? Explain the reasons for your choice.I believe the direct method yields the best value for the average thickness of an M&M because it eliminates room for human error and three trials were completed thus making the results more reliable.

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