MATH 125 Unit 4 Individual ProjectAnswer Form Counting Techniques and Introduction to Probability

NAME: Mary Smith

MATH125: Unit 4 Individual Project


Order is considered 720
Order is NOT considered 120

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  • In how many ways can 5 states be selected from the top 10 states with the most murders if the order of the 5 statesmatters?
  • In how many ways can 5 states be selected from the top 10 states with the most murders if the order of the 5 states does not matter?

10P3=10! / (10-3)! = 10! / 7! = 10*9*8*7! / 7! = 10*9*8= 720

10C3= 10! / (10-3)! * 3! = 10! / 7! * 3! = 10*9*8*7! / 7! * 3*2*1 = 720 / 6 = 120

Probability 120

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  • What would be the probability that randomly choosing 3 states from the top 6 murder states would actually be the top 3 states for murders in the United States in exact correct decreasing order (1. CA, 2. TX, 3. NY)?

6P3= 6! / (6! – 3!) = 6! / 3! = 6*5*4*3! /3*2*1 = 6*5*4 = 120

1 California 1,790
2 Texas 1,089
3 New York 774
4 Pennsylvania 636
5 Michigan 613
6 Georgia 522
7 North Carolina 489
8 Ohio 488
9 Louisiana 485
10 Illinois 452
11 Maryland 398
12 New Jersey 379
13 Tennessee 373
14 Missouri 364
15 Arizona 339
16 South Carolina 319
17 Virginia 303
18 Indiana 284
19 Oklahoma 204
20 Mississippi 187
MEAN 524.4
MODE There is no mode

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  • Find the top 20 states with the most number of total murders. Then, calculate the mean, median, and mode.

Mean: 1790+1089+774+636+613+522+489+488+485+452+398+379+373+364+339+319+303+284+204+187 / 20 = 10488 / 20 =524.4

Median: 452+398 / 2 = 850 / 2 = 425

Mode: For this data set, there is not any reoccurring number, therefore, there is no mode.

VARIANCE 131480.8

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  • Calculate the variance and standard deviation for the top 20 states with the most number of total murders.
Probability 0.0057

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  • Range: 1790 – 187 = 1603
  • Variance: (1790-1603)2+(1089-1603)2+(774-1603)2+(636-1603)2+(613-1603)2+(522-1603)2+(489-1603)2+(488-1603)2+(485-1603)2+(452-1603)2+(398-1603)2+(379+1603)2+(373-1603)2+(364-1603)2+(339-1603)2+(319-1603)2+(303-1603)2+(284-1603)2+(204-1603)2+(187-1603)2 / 20-1= 34969+264196+687241+935089+980100+1168561+1240996+1243225+1249924+1324801+1452025+1498176+1512900+1535121+1597696+1648656+1690000+1739761+1957201+2005056 / 20-1 = 25765694 / 19 = 1356089.16
  • Standard Deviation: = 362.6
  • In Texas, given that a specific person was murdered by a firearm, what is the probability that the murder was committed with a rifle?
Probability 0.078

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  • 4 / 699 = 0.0057
  • In California, given that a specific person was murdered by a firearm, what is the probability that the murder was committed either with a rifle or a shotgun?
Alaska 0.31 or 31%
Arizona 0.74 or 74%

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  • 45 + 50 = 95 / 1220 = 0.078
  • Choose 2 states, and determine how many more times likely a person is to be murdered using a handgun in one state compared to the other state if the person is murdered.

Alaska: 5 / 16 = 0.31 = 31 / 100 = 31%

Arizona: 165 / 222 = 0.74 / 100 = 74%

Explain your answer below

  • For what reasons do you think California and Texas seemingly had a disproportionate number of murders than New York and Pennsylvania in 2011? Please do your research and include the references that support your answer.


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