Media Reaction Paper

Media Reaction Paper


February 7, 2016


This paper will discuss the historical framework of the attacks on Paris and how it sparked the refugees’ crisis as well as the political context of this issue. This paper will further explore the message the media tried to portray and was the coverage of this issue biased or unbiased. I will further discuss the issue of whether or not the attacks on Paris and the refugee crisis sensationalized or portrayed objectively. This paper will address how the coverage of these attacks were perceived by the public and whether or not it encouraged or discouraged prejudices, discrimination, or stereotyping. This paper will discuss how might this attack affect the U.S. economy and labor force. Finally, this paper will discuss my standpoint if I were a manger affected by this issue and its media coverage what inclusion strategies might I implement to promote inclusion in the workplace.

Before we discuss the historical framework of the Paris attacks and refugee crisis we will discuss the media and how it affects the world. The media has the ability to shape how we view certain issues. The media has the ability to shape what we believe and perceive, and our opinions. We tend to become manipulated by what we see and hear on the news. Radio, television news, newspaper articles, and the internet are the most used outlets for getting information on what is happening all around the world. As it was the main source of information when the Paris Attacks took place. The media had a way of stopping all other news and redirecting our focus on Paris.

What is the historical framework of this issue?

Refugees escape to American soil and other countries across the globe to obtain freedom and to escape conditions that may cause them harm and even death. The come escaping persecution, torture, or extreme danger which is why the United States has implemented U.S. immigration laws. While others escape due to economic reasons and natural disasters that have affected their way of life. According to “U.S. Refugee Protection System” ((n.d.)), “the US refugee protection system, broadly understood to encompass refugees, asylum-seekers and non-citizens in need of short-term protection, has ambitious goals and diverse responsibilities. It seeks to screen, admit and promote the integration of refugees; to adjudicate political asylum cases; and to offer temporary protection to persons from designated countries. It also seeks to detect and prevent the admission of persons that raise national security, public safety, and fraud concerns”.

What is the political context of this issue?

The political context of refugees has risen to the top of discussion surrounding our politicians and politics. There are many states and countries who surround our borders and have agreed to welcome our fellow brothers’ freedom from which they are escaping. However, in light of the recent attacks Paris and American soil there has been much conversation and debates on whether or not countries should begin closing the borders of which was once welcoming grounds

What message does the media piece attempt to portray? Was the media coverage biased or unbiased? Was the issue sensationalized or portrayed objectively?

The message that the media portrayed is that Americans and other countries should be in agreeance that all refugees are terrorist or at least pose a threat to the surrounding countries and borders. “The Paris attacks are transforming Europe’s migration crisis into a security debate, spurring calls for a clampdown on free movement across borders, and putting proponents of an open door for refugees on the defensive”, (Troianovski, 2015,). The media coverage of this and other events of terrorism has been sensationalized. Research has found that sensationalist media coverage of acts of terrorism results in more such acts being committed as we have seen in California.

How might the media coverage affect the public’s perception of this issue? Does it encourage or discourage prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping?

When the reports of the attacks on Paris starting to flood the television, radio, social media and newspapers it furthered the propaganda. The world started to look at Muslims in a negative perspective. When the media portrays a certain group or culture as killers, or terrorist the world begins to see them the same way and tend to group all of the culture as the same. Many Americans began to dislike Muslims lifestyles because of how they are portrayed by the media. Muslims as well as other refugees are singled out because of their culture and religious beliefs. Thus, encouraging prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping of others.

How might this issue affect the U.S. economy and labor force?

The continuous of refugees arriving at the borders of the European soil and other surrounding borders has sparked discussions all around Europe and the world on how this will be handled and what would be the effects on the economy and labor force in Paris as well as the United States. One of the effects would be on the wages and employment and taxes. There will also be an impact on the health care system as well. Refugees with very little education and skills will take on and accept those jobs that Americans will not take. These jobs are low paying jobs and in some cases very poor health care coverage.

If you were a manager affected by this issue and its media coverage, what inclusion strategies from this week’s reading might you implement to moderate the media’s effect on your employees and to promote inclusion in the workplace?

If I were a manager affected by refugees and its media coverage I would implement an inclusion strategy that would help my staff and the company and also increase the growth of the company. Working in a workplace where diversity is present provide many advantages. Implementing programs and trainings to help these migrants adopt to the workplace would be very beneficial to the company. It also promotes a cohesive workplace as well as increase job productivity as well as job satisfaction. Also providing non migrant employees with trainings will help them understand diversity and how they can benefit from a diverse workplace.

In conclusion, there will always be an ethnic group who will be seeking freedom from of the tragedies that have affected their way of life. They will come to American soil and other parts of the countries to find peace in their life and not to disturb the peace of others with terrorism.


Troianovski, A. (2015, November 16). Paris terror attacks transform debate over europe’s migration crisis. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from

U.S. Refugee Protection System. ((n.d.)). Retrieved from

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