Four Phase Process

Four-Phase Process

Grantham University

Training and Development


Four-Phase Process

The four-phase process is a strategic approach of turning the learning process into business results. This approach has four distinct categories that consist of preparing the plan, environment and the learner themselves, a guided learning session, the transferring and apply of knowledge and achieving the improvement goals. This approach provides a process that ensures the resources are in place, to get the desired outputs that are needed, to achieve the outcomes of a new and higher level of performance, for the business.

The learning plan encompasses all four phases of learning, from what needs done before the learning activities start, to what needs to be done to support the learning after training is complete. This is an important step to develop a roadmap that covers the resources needed for preparation, the learning, the transfer of knowledge and achievement of results. After that plan has been reviewed and approved by management, then you are set to actually start the preparation of the learner.

The first phase focuses on three categories, the learning plan, preparing the learner and preparing the environment. Tim Trainer must start with a formal assessment of the skills that they administrative assistants have, with the use of Microsoft Word. We know, that the administrative assistants work on computers all day, and have many training handouts posted at their desk. At first assessment, Tim should realize that they have not retained the knowledge needed to do their job or there are so many one-off task, that they can’t remember them all.

Once, Tim has the results of the administrative assistants results, he will be able to establish a common base of knowledge, to prepare the training. A key to Phase I, will be to show them how much easier Word will make their job. According to Camm (2011), learners need to see the benefit of learning or barriers will be created. With Word, they will be able to have prepared templates to use, instead of posted handouts. In this phase, the trainer must focus on the benefits for both the assistant and the company. This will help get the buy-in of the trainees, by giving them a brief overview of how this will make their jobs easier. The expectations in Phase I must be clearly set as to why the switch to Word is necessary, and how the company is going to do it, through the training. So, to completely understand where each assistant is and how they prefer to learn, is a must to keep their attention and focus, throughout this Four-Phase Process of learning.

Also in Phase I, you need to focus on the environment at Law Legal. We know, that there is a training room available with computers, a projector and a laptop for the instructor to use, these are all the physical aspects of the environment. The main focus in Phase I, needs to be on the culture of Law Legal. Senior management needs to strongly and visible support the switch to Microsoft Word. Management, must ensure the administrative assistants have all the tools they need, to be successful in the use of Word and explain the benefits as well. Which could include performance rewards or negative consequences for not using it. If, there is no other system available to use, the assistants will clearly understand that there is no alternative and be highly engaged to learn. Management, must also be open to answer any questions the assistants have and be willing to get them the help they need to be successful, in the learning phase.

Phase II, is the guided learning stage. Since the preparation has taken place for all four phases in Phase I, Tim can now move forward with the learning. This phase of the learning process will be taking place in the training room at Law Legal, with Tim showing how to successfully apply and use Microsoft Word on his laptop, via the projector. This will allow the administrative assistants to follow along and implement what they are learning. In this phase, there has to be a correlation between the guided learning and the expected business outcomes that will be measured for success. As established in Phase I, the reasons for learning and the assignments must be further built upon in the actual guided learning sessions in Phase II. One key element of training according to Human Resource Management (2016), is that training must have a direct tie in, to job expectations. In Phase II, the trainer must ensure that the assistants are able to use Word and publish the necessary legal briefs, which Law Legal requires. This will also give Tim, that opportunity to convince them of the benefits that was determined in Phase I. Once the assistants see the relevance of the training and they will be even more motivated to learn more about it.

Phase III, is where knowledge transfer happens. This is the time for the assistants, to bring to practical use what they learned in Phase II. It is key now for management to follow up with praise and acknowledge the new abilities, which the administrative assistants are using with Microsoft Word. In this phase the goals that was established in Phase I, would be the actual implementation of the legal briefs being typed up with correct line numbering, spacing, and table of contents. Now all the improvements defined for Law Legal such as, higher performance, desired outcomes for legal briefs, and easier and quicker abilities for the administrative assistants, are close to becoming reality. According to Fogg & Davis (n.d.), at this stage the business should recognize significant strategic strides towards the goals, that have been established.

Phase IV is the completion of the learning cycle. At this stage the management of Law Legal, should be provide recognition to the administrative assistants, on a job well done. This will solidify that their training was successful and the objectives have been accomplished. Progress is a remarkable award in its own, it provides self-fulfillment and makes the effort to learn new things, worth it. This final stage of the four-phase process, is no less important than the other three phases. It reinforces the culture set forth in Phase I, that being a culture of support and motivation. According to Pollock, Jefferson, & Wick, (2015), if you want employees to be motivated to learn on the job, you need to ensure they have a sense of making progress. Tim Trainer, must also acknowledge his trainees progress and ability to adapt and change over to the use of Microsoft Word. This again, will reinforce the success and ability of each of them.

The Four-Phase Process, provides and outline to successful learning by having a logic map for each phase. There is a plan for each phase that needs to be reviewed by management and the learners. This Four-Phase Process, answers all the how’s and why’s that is necessary, to motivate each person on the team, to learn and apply new skills learned in training.


Camm, B. (2011, July 13). ELearning Blog. Retrieved October 24, 2017, from

Fogg, & Davis, C. (n.d.). Chapter 3. In Team-Based Strategic Planning(pp. P33-43). doi:

Human Resource Management. (2016, March 22). Retrieved October 24, 2017, from

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