Reducing 30-day Hospital Readmission Among Heart Failure Patients

Reducing 30-day Hospital Readmission Among Heart Failure Patients

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The problem of high rates of heart failure hospitalizations and readmission among the old can be reduced significantly through different strategies. Several research and studies show that readmission result from inadequate care accorded to the patients(Peter, D., et al, (2015)). The patient outcome is very poor. Nurses have the responsibility to offer high quality care to patients. However, this is not always the case. Nurses and other hospital staff prioritize on other things leaving the patients receiving the usual care. As a result, patients cannot take good care of themselves after discharge. Their condition do not improve and are also affected by other opportunistic diseases resulting in readmission.

Having reviewed several literature on strategies to reduce readmission, patient education and post discharge follow-ups are the best interventions that every cardiac health facility should embrace. Patient education enhance transition of care from the nurse to the patient and the caretaker. Patients need to strongly understand how to take care of themselves after discharge (Srisuk, N., et al., 2017). In many cases, patients have only been given written instructions of post-discharge care. Patients may nor read them or may not understand what is required of them and they end up missing important care.

Patient training strategy should be well-draft by the health facility. It should put into consideration the ranges of ages of heart failure patients. Most victims, the old, should have specialized way of training that enables them understand the instructions and not forget easily. Teach-back (tell-back) is one of the best methods of teaching(Devan S., et al, 2014). Here, the patient is required to repeat after the instructor. This will boost patient understanding and enhances memory. Demonstrations are also performed and the patient repeats them as well.

My initial proposal focused only on patient training. However, after reviewing several articles, post-discharge follow-ups are also very crucial (Koser K. D., 2018). After training and discharging the patient, it is important to check on them once in a while to easy that they still remember the instructions and they still carry them out as required. Follow-ups can be done through visiting the patient or through phone conversations.


Peter, D., Robinson, P., Jordan, M., Lawrence, S., Casey, K., & Salas-Lopez, D. (2015). Reducing readmissions using teach-back: enhancing patient and family education. Journal of Nursing Administration.

Srisuk, N., Cameron, J., Ski, C. F., & Thompson, D. R. (2017). Randomized controlled trial of family-based education for patients with heart failure and their carers. Journal of Advanced Nursing.

Devan S., Janice F., Daryl D., & Patricia S. L. (2014). Interventions to prevent heart failure readmissions: The rationale for nurse-led heart failure programs. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice.

Koser K. D., Ball L. S., Homa J. K. & Mehta V. (2018). An Outpatient Heart Failure Clinic Reduces 30 Day Readmission and Mortality Rates for Discharged Patients: Process and Preliminary Outcomes. Journal of Nursing Research.

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