Financial, Quality and Clinical aspect of the Project Proposal

Financial, Quality and Clinical aspect of the Project Proposal

[Student’s name]

[Professor’s name]

[Course title]



Treating and managing heart failure, is based on available evidenced-based healthcare practices(Hughes, 2008). Implementation of what has been learned and studied has received little attention. Implementing of evidenced-based healthcare safe practices are demanding and requires well laid down strategies to address such difficulties and eventually change the healthcare system to evidence-based. The following are key aspects that needs to be taken into consideration in developing an evidence-based project and are categorized into; financial aspect, quality aspect, and clinical aspect.

Financial Aspect

Financially, developing of the evidence-based practice project is costly, both in terms of money, time and travel logistics. Assembling of the necessary tools and equipment requires money to purchase and maintain. Applying the research findings, into practice needs the help of a professional medical practitioner or a registered nurse that will come at a cost. Collaborating with best heart failure hospitals will significantly reduce the cost.

Quality Aspect

Research materials used are strictly from a specific journal, journal of nursing, and specific best heart failure care hospitals. The quality of research finding is therefore guaranteed, and the process of implementing research findings and evidence into practice will be guided by a clinical specialist. This will directly impact on quality of the care given to heart failure patients.

Clinical Aspect

Developing the evidence-based practice project, will directly and positively impact on the outcome of the heart failure patient’s treatment. The evidenced-based practice will address the current problems in educating heart failure patients.


Hughes, R. (2008). Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses (Vol. 3).

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