NTC 245 Week 3 Individual Network Fundamentals and Protocols

Network Fundamentals and Protocols


University of Phoenix

Functions of DHCP and DNS.

Domain Name System (DNS) is a list of devices and there assigned IP address. This allows for added security because only the computers on the list can assess the networks. It also allows for you to use a domain name to access the server and not just a IP address, but they are vulnerable to hacks. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Provides an extra level of security because TCP/IP configuration is automated. This allows for less configuration errors associated with DNS and static IP addresses.

Internet Protocols

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are two types of internet protocols. The first, TCP, provides intermediate level access to applications, programs and internet protocols. This protocol allows for host to host connectivity. Though it does tend to be slower than UDP, it makes up for this by providing more reliable packet delivery service. It is very reliable though it provides garneted packet delivery. The IP delivers the data but with TCP in place it keeps track of the segments and makes sure that they arrive in order and are accounted for. UDP is faster simply because it sends larger pieces of data at a time. It does tend to be a little less reliable than TCP due to the lack of accounting for the arrival of the data at the intended recipient. UDP is often used for streaming video or audio because of its greater speed. This can help to reduce lag or excessive buffering during the streaming process and creates a more fluid media experience. It also allows for multiple users to access the same video feed.

Many paid video services, Netflix included, opt to use TCP in spite of the slower speeds. The additional security provided by TCP makes the data harder to intercept or hack for free service. These services do not require the additional speed provided by UDP as the client is using video on demand, and the same video is not accessed by all users at one time. This allows users to get reliable access to the videos they want to watch. Netflix also uses encryption software to prevent theft of their videos. Coupled with transmission control protocol, this makes it much harder to access the data if you are not authorized to do so.

IPv4 vs IPv6.

IPv4 and IPv6 are two systems for designating IP addresses. Each has its benefits and its uses. There are some differences that set the two apart though. For example, IPv4 uses decimals to separate the numbers, whereas IPv6 uses colons. IPv4 is also comprised only of numbers, and IPv6 uses letters as well, allowing for a much higher number of number of IP addresses.IPv6 is often thought of as the next generation of internet protocol, but rather than replacing its predecessor entirely, the two now coexist, each serving a separate function.


IPv4? – Webopedia.com. (2017). Webopedia.com. Retrieved 4 September 2017, from http://www.webopedia.com/DidYouKnow/Int

TCP vs UDP – Difference and Comparison | Diffen. (2017). Diffen.com. Retrieved 4 September 2017, from http://www.diffen.com/difference/TCP_vs_U

What Is DHCP?. (2017). Technet.microsoft.com. Retrieved 4 September 2017, from https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd145320(v=ws.10).aspx

Benefits of DHCP. (2017). Technet.microsoft.com. Retrieved 4 September 2017, from https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc958943.aspx

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