Performance Management Compensation Benefits Payroll and HRIS


During your professional career, you may have received performance appraisals. In other cases, your compensation may have been tied to some performance variable. There are many aspects of performance management, compensation, benefits, and payroll that are automated. First, read the article, “HRIS Performance Monitoring Plan,” located at Based on the article and your textbook, please respond to the following question:
Imagine that senior leadership is displeased with their performance management plan. Lay out a plan for senior leadership to automate this function. Give two (2) thorough examples of the value that performance management systems bring to an organization and explain how technology impacts that value. Additionally, describe one (1) example of how technology impacts the value and efficiency of benefits, compensation, and payroll.

Your business has goals and priorities, but do your employees understand them, and see how their own work relates to the larger business? If not, it’s time for performance management that focuses employees on continuous improvement, facilitates conversation between staff and managers, and points individuals in the direction that benefits the entire organization. Simplify, streamline and automate your performance management process. From goal setting to evaluations, performance management is an ongoing process that requires year-round communication to be truly effective. But that doesn’t have to mean year-round paperwork. The performance management automation process is to help you improve your program by:

•Improving annual reviews by improving manager/employee communication

•Letting employees and managers work together to set weighted goals and development plans that align with the strategic objectives of the organization

•Providing employees and managers with anytime visibility to goal assignments and progress

•Reducing performance review cycles through automated evaluations and reviews

The value that performance management systems bring to an organization are:

The first step in performance management is setting the stage correctly, defining individual goals and aligning them with the corporate strategy. The process of setting goals should be a collaborative process between a manager and his or her employees. Once the company-wide strategy is established, individual goals should be created that support the “big picture”. Major job functions and responsibilities, both shared and individual, should be addressed within a SMART goal framework. Specific: Well-defined to inform employees exactly what is expected, when, and how much. Measurable: Provide milestones to track progress and motivate employees toward achievement. Achievable: Success needs to be attainable with effort by an average employee, with a bit of a stretch. Relevant: The goals should focus on the greatest impact to the overall corporate strategy. Timely: A goal should be grounded within a time frame to create a sense of urgency for completion.

  1. Defining Goals

In order to get the most out of their employees, the appraisal process should include listening, observing, giving constructive feedback, and providing recognition. Most performance management solutions include writing assistants and coaching tools to help managers find just the “right words” to give constructive analysis of the employee’s performance. The most important part of the appraisal is to provide feedback about what the employee has successfully learned and still needs to learn and create a plan to provide the opportunity for the employee to develop those necessary skills. This can be an important factor not only in the employee’s growth, but also in the health of the entire organization since employees have a greater sense of loyalty to companies that develop talent from within and thus become more engaged in their work. These development plans also allows the company to create a pool of talent for strategic succession planning.

  1. Appraisal Process

Technology has impacted the value of performance management by enhanced technological improvement. Human resources professionals can use computer technology to assess employee performance and also to get employee feedback to be used for the betterment of the organization. Various software programs make it possible for human resources professionals to examine employee performance using metrics to ensure that employees are meeting performance standards. Employees that don’t measure up can be subjected to additional training or let go in favor a replacement who can come in and do the job.

Technology has expanded the exhaustiveness of payroll, benefits and compensation by taking out numerous mistakes because of state-of-the-art information setup. Every capacity is made less mind boggling with innovation and having a framework to PC troublesome numbers, charges, and different recipes. It makes a less distressing workplace for representatives and once more, abatements the safety buffer through computerization. This idea makes it solid to convey data and archives that are useful to everybody in the association.


J. Lewis (2016). How Does Technology Impact HR Practices? Retrieved from http://small

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