Program and Curriculum Planning

Program and Curriculum Planning

As it can be noted in all institutions offering early childhood care and also according to (Anning, 1997), it is very crucial to keep all the necessary prerequisites that are necessary for child’s growth and development. Children grow and develop in accordance to how they were taught when they were young. It is thus very important to keep watch and keen to all they do and require. Developing a good program and curriculum for them to always follow and adhere to is very important. A program and a curriculum that outs everything into account is the best one that can be adopted by carefully understanding the needs and the requirements of all institutions and levels of learning a development. This is one taking into account the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of children. For this case, i have chosen the preschoolers to carefully and examine their Program and Curriculum Planning.

At the preschool, the role of teachers and administrators are distinguished. This is mainly because the child is being prepared to join school. The first major difference of the two is that the early childhood administrator prepares the kid for the classroom and the school life while the teacher teaches the student the actual thing based on the set curriculum and rules stipulated. Theirs is a preparatory role while the other is the actual course. The administrator at this age adopts some kind of analogous role of a teacher by trying to define the desired role. The teacher on the other hand introduces themselves to the child’s academic life. The child’s administrators and the curriculum planner initiate a dynamic approach to curriculum planning. The teacher initiates the implementation and preparation for the child’s future academic endeavors. As for the administrators, they do more of the parenting work while the teacher does more of imparting the skills to the child subject wise. The administrator picks up the role of the parent and guides the child as they grow to being and reaching the school going age all these are as asserted by (Ruopp, 1973).

Different age group normally has different needs with regards to their stages and needs. Correctly identifying them and knowing what each age group needs will lead to them finally achieving their goal and growing up to be the desired people. At this age, their learning needs should involve all aspects; physically, mentally, and psychologically. The first and most basic need of these children is to be introduced to the learning environment. The main role of a preschool is to introduce children to a school. Making them aware of what they are required of in a school so that they are not confused is very essential. As an early childhood administrator, providing the child with the right environment that introduces them to learning and disassociate them with home is crucial (Ruopp, 1973). This ensures that they do not get environmentally shocked and thus finally facing challenges. The transition between home and school should be smooth as possible. Providing the children with the physical activities through play is also very important. This is because the child is still young and needs to develop perfectly physically.

At this preschool stage, children begin to have more knowledge about everyone around them (Ward, 1998). They begin to be socially adept of the surrounding. Providing guidance towards them carefully interacting with everyone around them is the best that can be done. Their language and communication power desire begin to expand rapidly. They become more experimental with words and full of questions. Their thirst for knowledge rapidly increases and meeting them and satisfying them should be the top priority. As an administrator, you should try your best to give them the knowledge they desire. A program that will address all these is well desired.

My program will plan to address all the cognitive, social, emotional and physical development of children. I know and understand the importance of these early childhood administrator. Cognitive in relation to all memory and attention, it is very important to carefully attend to the all as they are at peek at their young age. Socially emotionally must all be taken care of with respect to all other developmental objectives as will be discussed in detail. All these assist the child in growing and developing to the desired level.

The cognitive aspect has to be taken care of with uttermost understanding and knowledge. This is because it is the brain that the child will depend on to make various decisions now and later on in life. Catering for it with a good program that allows the nurturing of the brain is very crucial. Providing children with situations that will enhance their thinking and decisions making will serve them for the better. During play, some simple activities, for adults, like balancing some masses will make them critically think on what not to and what to do. Socially, children at preschool should learn to relate to each other in a way that is beneficial to them now and as they develop. Since children at preschool are mostly between ages 4 and 5, they have begun to select friends. They normally choose them based on how they go well with and their personal preference. Children should be encouraged to do so (Ward, 1998).

Physically, children should be encouraged to play. This is one of the most beneficial and crucial stage as they need it to develop both physically and psychologically. Providing the children with the tools to play is very crucial. Emotionally children at this very crucial age should be supported at all times by all means possible. Talking to them since they understand will benefit them a great deal. They should always be uplifted emotionally.

In relation to the believe of creating a conducive environment and focusing on the three aspects; children, parent and teachers that will enable the child to realize their goals and dreams, their curriculum and program together with the environment provided will serve them well here. This is all in line with philosophy created in week one (Wiggins & McTighe, 2007). As far as the mission of providing a conducive environment for children to learn, the curriculum will enable them be in an environment that will encourage and promote learning in all ways. The partnership envisioned in the vision of fostering partnership among the three will lead to a better and effectively shared responsibility.

The curriculum meets all NAEYC’s indicators of effective curriculum. There are very many aspects and indicators that this is so and not otherwise. First, the children are all active and engaged. This is both physically and mentally as it can be witnessed in the curriculum. The goals that are set in the school’s visions and mission are clear and shared by all. The value content is learnt through investigation and focused intentional teaching. This is evident in play based learning. The curriculum is comprehensive.

In conclusion, the program and curriculum developed is very comprehensive and up to the point when all aspects are considered. For such a program, I do hope and believe that the children will develop and learn effectively and be introduced to learning according to (Anning, 1997). As a preschool age group that I have chosen, they will get the best introductory to school in all aspects related to this.

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