PS 200 unit 2 Quiz

Question 11 / 1 point

Imagine that you are looking at a geometric drawing. At first, one shape in this drawing seems to be in front of other shapes. The next moment, this same shape seems to be located behind a second shape. This phenomenon is called:

Question options:

depth perception.

an illusory contour.

@) an ambiguous figure-ground relationship.

holistic recognition.

Question 21 / 1 point

Suppose that a psychologist loans you an art book and says that the book includes some interesting ambiguous figure-ground pictures. You should expect to see

Question options:

a random arrangement of black-and-white figures.

a photo of real-life figures, rather than black-and-white shapes.

@) a picture in which a specific region is the central figure one moment, but this region becomes the background the next moment.

a photo of real-life figures and black-and-white shapes.

Question 31 / 1 point

The identification of a complex arrangement of visual stimuli is known as

Question options:


recognition by components.

@) object recognition.


Question 41 / 1 point

When a study has high ecological validity,

Question options:

people tend to receive similar scores on two different versions of a relevant test.

people typically make more errors than if the test is low in ecological validity.

at least two researchers recorded the answers supplied by the participants.

@) the setting for the study is similar to a setting found in the real world.

Question 51 / 1 point

What is perception?

Question options:

Perception is the immediate registration of information by the sensory receptors.

@) Perception uses previous knowledge to gather and interpret the stimuli registered by the senses.

Perception involves only unprocessed sensory information.

Perception requires complex problem solving.

Question 61 / 1 point

According to the introduction of the chapter on imagery,

Question options:

people often create mental images, but they seldom use these images in problem solving or other higher mental processes.

students report that they use visual imagery and auditory imagery equally often.

@) psychologists have conducted more research on visual imagery than any other kind of imagery.

the first psychologists to pay attention to imagery were the radical behaviorists, in the late 1920s.

Question 71 / 1 point

Right now, the words in this sentence are being registered on the retina of your eye. This representation on your retina is called

Question options:

sensory memory.

the template.

@) the proximal stimulus.

the distal stimulus.

Question 81 / 1 point

If you are reading a sentence on an examination. The actual stimulus (the words on the piece of paper) is called

Question options:

@) the distal stimulus.

the proximal stimulus.

the geon.

the template.

Question 91 / 1 point

You recognize the letter n more quickly in the word pattern than when it appears by itself. This is an example of

Question options:

@) top-down processing.

bottom-up processing.

a template for the letter n.

a recognition module.

Question 100 / 1 point

How does mental imagery compare with perception?

Question options:

Perception relies exclusively on bottom-up processing.

@) Perception relies exclusively on top-down processing. my answer is wrong here!!!

Mental imagery relies exclusively on bottom-up processing.

Mental imagery relies exclusively on top-down processing.

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Chapter 7, Section Ref: Classical Research on Visual Imagery

Question 111 / 1 point

An analog code means that

Question options:

@) a representation is very similar to the physical object.

we store information in terms of abstract descriptions.

we construct a representation from a verbal description.

the image is permanently stored in working memory.

Question 121 / 1 point

According to the discussion of the history of research on mental imagery,

Question options:

the early behaviorists rejected research about mental imagery, but they began to conduct imagery research during the early 1950s.

the topic of mental imagery has consistently been more popular in the United States than in Europe.

@) the popularity of mental imagery increased as cognitive psychology became more influential.

surprisingly, theorists and researchers did not mention mental imagery until about 1930.

Question 131 / 1 point

Bottom-up processing

Question options:

is the most widely accepted explanation for illusory contours.

describes the influence of expectations upon object recognition.

@) emphasizes the importance of sensory stimuli in object recognition.

explains why we are able to recognize words more easily when they appear in sentences, rather than alone.

Question 141 / 1 point

Which of the following is the best example of a geon?

Question options:

a template for the letter K, as it is stored in memory

a straight, vertical, 2-dimensional line

@) a 3-dimensional cylinder

the comparison process used to differentiate a template from a distinctive feature

Question 151 / 1 point

Those who argue that we store mental-imagery information in terms of propositions would claim that

Question options:

storage is most like vision.

storage is most like an abstract spatial representation.

@) storage is most like language.

representation closely resembles the physical object.

Question 161 / 1 point

A person with prosopagnosia would be likely to

Question options:

perform better than other people on a change-blindness test.

have difficulty recognizing fruits and vegetables.

fail to recognize letters of the alphabet.

@) have trouble recognizing faces.

Question 171 / 1 point

Suppose that you have a mental image of your favorite male actor. If that image is stored in a propositional code, the representation would emphasize

Question options:

spatial relationships, including information about angles and lines.

a correspondence between the mental imagery and perceptual imagery.

@) a language-like description.

spatial relationships for the actor’s general shape, but a language-like description for the details of his face.

Question 181 / 1 point

In object recognition, an important problem with the feature-analysis approach is that

Question options:

it can only explain how we perceive large objects.

it can only explain colored objects.

there is no neuroscience evidence for this approach.

@) it cannot explain how we perceive an object from different viewpoints.

Question 191 / 1 point

This unit’s reading discusses meta-analyses that focus on gender comparisons in cognitive abilities. Which of the following is the area in which gender differences are typically the largest?

Question options:

verbal abilities

mathematics abilities

spatial abilities such as locating hidden figures in a drawing

@) spatial abilities such as mental rotation

Question 201 / 1 point

Which of the following statements about object recognition is correct?

Question options:

Visual information is first processed in the primary visual cortex, but it is eventually stored in the retina.

Only the primary visual cortex is active during object recognition.

The primary visual cortex is responsible for identifying complex objects; in contrast, other portions of the brain identify lines and simple shapes.

@) Regions of the cortex beyond the primary visual cortex are active when we identify complex objects.

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