A Critical look at a Quality Health Care Organization from all Perspectives

Quality Healthcare Organization

Quality health care is very paramount when it comes to health issues. Nothing should be let escape from anywhere. Handling each and every issue as it comes is critical to handling it. The organization needs to always be motivated so that they can always deliver the best and serving the employees as always required. To achieve all these, several things have to be taken into consideration. They include; motivation, relationship between the employees and the organization, Organizational strategies, cultural environment, Internal and external factors and planning (Scheuer, 2000).

Each of the above play their own important roles in ensuring quality is maintained at the health care center. They should be observed by all the stakeholders for a better and efficient service where everyone plays their important roles. The roles are as critically discussed as below.

-Motivation- this is something more to keep the employees working other than their pay at the organization. They deserve something more to keep the working day in day out and being productive daily (Davidson & McCollom, 1996). There are mainly four theories that try to explain this. They are Taylor, Mayo, Maslow and Herzberg as explained in the presentation

– Relationship between the employees and the organization. This is how different people relate to each other in the organization. There should be a good and beneficial interaction and relationship between all the stakeholders in the organization.

-Organizational strategies, cultural environment. A good organization should always be in a good position to offer clear set goals and strategies as explained in the presentation. A good environment that everyone will get used to at the premises is also desired as noted by (Edmunds, 1997).

-Internal and external factors. There are many things that happen within and around the organization. These issues need to be dressed accordingly by the people responsible.

-Planning- Nothing beats an organization that has a clear strategy and plans to achieving it. Plans normally make people work towards achieving them. This is very important for every organization and a health organization is not an exception (McSherry, 2010)..

There are several benefits to this as noted in the presentation. Most of them deal with the clients as asserted by (Davidson & McCollom, 1996). They include

Promotes inclusion of all community members

Increases the mutual respect between patients and the organization

Increases trust

Increases community participation in health care matters

Improves data collection of the patients

Improves preventative care by patients

Reduces medical errors thus more savings

Reduces barriers that slow growth and progress

Improves efficiency generally

In conclusion, to achieve the required quality health standards, various measures need to be taken as stated above. They need to be implemented so that the required standards will be achieved. They all contribute to the final success and acheivent of quality in the organization (Spencer, 2000).


Davidson, S., & McCollom, M. (1996). The physician-manager alliance: Building the healthy health care organization. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.

Edmunds, M. (1997). Managing managed care quality improvements in behavioral health. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

McSherry, R. (2010). Implementing excellence in your health care organization managing, leading and collaborating. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Open University Press.

Spencer, E. (2000). Organization ethics in health care. New York: Oxford University Press.

Scheuer, S. (2000). Social and economic motivation at work: Theories of work motivation reassessed. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.

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