Respiratory Diseases Paper

Classification and Socio-Economic impacts of Tuberculosis





Classification and Socio-Economic impacts of Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is an airborne contagious pulmonary disease that is caused by mycobacterium. Due to its virological and immunological attributive nature, a non-tuberculosis may attract the disease if incase a tuberculosis patient sneezes, cough or spits infectious bacteria in the airborne thus making it one of the most feasible and one of the most viably transmitted epidemic amidst others.

Classification of tuberculosis.

As one of the major respiratory tract infectious epidemics it is logically applicable that, in order for one to equivocally understand the symptoms and the appropriate guidelines to which they will be efficiently equipped with the desirable amount of abilities to properly scrutinize and their hence quarantine and draw between patients at the prime stage of infection and those who have developed chronic symptoms of the disease. In respect with the various symptoms at current stature, there are two major known classifications of the disease them being; pulmonary tuberculosis and extra –pulmonary tuberculosis. This classifications vary after several tests are done to meticulously offer the most proficient level of health care to which a reported tuberculosis patient should be tended to .It is therefore a matter of great concern to note that the disease may either be in its active disease form or as a latent infection to administer the relevant and most efficient form of medication.

In addition the disease is considered to be a tertiary respiratory disease given its global awareness campaigns not withstanding its peculiar habits to withstand treatment after a given period of drug resistance hence citing the high rate of mortality and morbidity rate to the society and nations at large. This has resulted to its spotlight and the frequent need for purposed reviews of tests to curb the risk factors and coerce any further social determinant obstacles that have proved adamant to deprival if tuberculosis as an epidemiogical driver is not brought under containment.

Given its intensive and absolute extent of havoc it wrecks to a patient there are numerous socio-economic constraining impacts that the disease harnesses to both the nation and the individual undergoing the treatment.

Due to the high treatment regimens to deal with the consequent emergence of new sever cases of the epidemic at given stages and durations, makes it a difficult aspect to control. This in-turn equals to huge economic investments in attempt to plough any desperate measure that may be prospective in prompting necessary actions that may bring forth positive results in the global eviction of the disease as one of the most epidemic disease that undermine development.

Nevertheless, tuberculosis has resulted to different cases of socio impacts to the patients undergoing treatment .This is due to the high level of patient compliance in ensuring that they uphold the operational aspects and general principles required in the complete Medicare phases of hospitalization and bed rest routines. A huge fraction of patients as researched tend to withdraw midway when undergoing treatment which, probes new dosage prescriptions that devastate and stigmatize the patient who may feel unworthy and hence result into numerous desirous attempts to commit suicide or resort to accepting their eventual cause of death due to the diseases overpowering effects on their immunity.

Fatigues, chest pains, shortness of breath are amongst the few numerous signs and symptoms that come alongside the contraction of tuberculosis. This therefore means that in the case of an eventful contraction of the disease by an individual’s breadwinner, poses a high chance that they may have to secure new ways to manage their survival thus a socio impact.

Taking a different angle to fathom other causes of tuberculosis is the issue of the economic constraints and how its outrageous effects are imposed to the households and countries to which patients suffering from the epidemic inhabit. For improved development a, country relatively depends on the activeness’ of its subjects who are the resultant cause of infrastructure and other human resource objectives. A nation struggling to tend to help its citizens against a greater percentage of tuberculosis patients is deprived of the ability to expound its productivity due to reduced extent in the economic active segment since the life expectancy levels are greatly shortened.

This level of inconsistency in a household and a nations expenditure makes it even more difficult to gauge and estimate the amount of accrued loses to which they incur hence displacing the country’s ability to input counteractive measures to comprehend how best the situation can be intervened this therefore is a major drawback in the economic sector of a country and its individuals.


Organization., W. H. (2015..). Global Tuberculosis Report. World Health Organization.

Schaaf., H. S., & A. Z. (2009.). Tuberculosis E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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