SC121 Unit 2 Assignment


Unit 2 Assignment

Section 1A: Anatomical terms

Choose the best answer. Type the correct capital letter into the table to the left of each term. (2 pts each)

C 1. Olecranal  
I 2. Sural  
A 3. Occipital  
G 4. Gluteal  
H 5. Popliteal  
D 6. Dorsum (hand)  
J 7. Calcaneal  
B 8. Scapular  
F 9. Dorsal (back)  
E 10. Plantar  

Section 1B: Directional terms

Choose the best answer. Type the correct capital letter into the table to the left of each question. (2 pts each)

Answer Question
D 1. The knee is ______ to the foot.A. MedialB. LateralC. DistalD. Proximal
A 2. The arms are ____ to the chest.A. LateralB. MedialC. IpsilateralD. Posterior
C 3. The sternum is ________ to the vertebral columnA. SuperiorB. InferiorC. AnteriorD. Posterior
B 4. The middle finger is ____ to the index finger and the ring finger.A. MedialB. IntermediateC. LateralD. Deep
B 5. The navel (belly button) is _____ to the chin.A. SuperiorB. InferiorC. AnteriorD. Posterior

Section 2 short answer (5 pts)

On her first anatomy and physiology exam, Heather defined homeostasis as “the condition in which the body approaches room temperature and stays there.” Do you agree with Heather’s definition? Why or why not?

I disagree, homeostasis is basically processes coming together to keep the body stable. For example: our bodies staying at a constant 98.6 degrees.

Section 3: Multiple Choice (2 pts each question)

Type in the capital letter of the answer in the indicated space.

1. Which of the following would have an unpaired electron in its outer shell?

Answer: B

  • An isotope
  • A free radical
  • A molecule
  • A compound

2. A stick of dynamite would be an example of what type of energy?

Answer: A

  • Potential
  • Chemical

3. Inorganic and organic compounds differ in that:

Answer: B

  • Inorganic compounds usually contain carbon
  • Inorganic compounds usually lack carbon
  • Inorganic molecules are usually large and complex
  • Inorganic molecules are used by the body to form complex functions

4. Water is important in the body because:

Answer: E

  • It is an excellent solvent and suspending medium.
  • It participates in hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis reactions.
  • It lubricates.
  • It helps to maintain homeostasis because it has a high heat capacity and high heat of vaporization.
    • All choices are correct

5. Carbohydrates are classified based upon:

Answer: D

  • Catalytic activity
  • Buffering capacity
  • Heat of vaporization
  • Size

Section 4: Enzyme Activity Lab (2 pts each question)

Go to the Enzyme Activity PowerPhys lab in WileyPLUS (you must be logged into the classroom). You will perform the lab and answer questions from this lab activity sheet as you move forward through the experiment. At the end of the lab there will be a lab report to fill out – you will not complete it within PowerPhys, but instead use this assignment sheet only. You will complete all other parts of the lab. The section headers on this sheet will tell you where you are in the lab as you go through it.

Objectives/Review and Pre-lab quiz

1. What is an enzyme?

A catalyst that produces a reaction

2. What can happen to an enzyme in the body if the pH or temperature becomes too high?

It can decrease function

3. What is the active site of an enzyme?

Region of an enzyme where substrate molecules bind and undergo a chemical reaction

4.Which of the following pH values is considered acidic?

Answer: B

  • pH 8-14
  • pH 1-6
  • pH 7

5. What number, on a scale of 1-14, is considered a neutral pH value?


Pre-lab reporting

6. Regarding the effect of pH on enzyme activity, which is the dependent variable?

Answer: D

  • temperature
  • pH
  • amount of substrate (sucrose) present
  • amount of product (glucose and fructose) present

7. Regarding the effect of temperature on enzyme activity, which is the independent variable?

Answer: A

  • temperature
  • pH
  • amount of substrate (sucrose) present
  • amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced

Data Collection

8. When looking at the effect of pH on sucrase activity, what was the wavelength of light used in the spectrophotometer?


9. When looking at the effect of temperature on sucrase activity, the pH was set to which number? Why was this number chosen?

3.0 – it is acidic

Data Analysis

10. How did you determine the average value for a pH of 3 in Table 4?

By adding .186, .171, and .167 & dividing by 3

STOP!! Remember, you will complete questions on this assignment sheet only. You will NOT fill out or submit the online lab report.CONTINUE FORWARD TO COMPLETE THE LAB REPORT ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS ON THIS SHEET.

Lab report

Answer the following two questions by referring to the graph above.

11. What is the optimum pH for sucrase activity?


12. What happens to the activity of sucrase as the pH becomes more alkaline?

It decreases

Section 5 – short answer (5 pts)

During chemistry lab, Maria places sucrose in a glass beaker, adds water, and stirs. As the table sugar disappears, she loudly proclaims that she has chemically broken down the sucrose into fructose and glucose. Is Maria’s chemical analysis correct? Why or why not?

No because the enzyme sucrase isn’t present, she’s just dissolving the sugar with a solvent(water).

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