SC121 Unit 4 Assignment Part 1 and Part 2

SC121 Unit 4 Assignment


1. Why are cells are important to the body

Cells, well for one without them we wouldn’t have a body. We need cells to survive.Just like You know that you need air to breathe.Your body has many different kinds of cells. The cells within an organ work to allow the organ to function properly. Different cell types have different jobs to do but they will all be important for the organ to work normally. This all means that for us to be healthy and have full use of our bodies, we need all cells to be working properly and all cells are important.

2. Which organelle do you think would kill you the fastest if you lost it? Explain your answer.

The answer is mitochondria. Mitochondria is the organelle responsible for respiration in the cell. It produces the energy that the cell needs to function. Without mitochondria the cell would die. Mitochondria are a part of eukaryotic cells. It provides the cell with all the required energy in the form of ATP to carry out the necessary processes of development and metabolism. No mitochondria, no energy, no life. 

3. How is cell shape related to function? Give at least 3 examples and explain.

How is cell shape related to function? Give at least 3 examples and explain.

 The structure of the cells determine its function.There are different types of cells. Cells can either be eukaryotic or prokaryotic.A direct relationship exists between the size and shape of every cell and the tasks it needs to accomplish.


Example 1 sperm cells in males are the only human cell that are equipped with a flagella and many mitochondria so they can swim to and fertilize an egg cell. If sperm did not have a flagella or many mitochondria, the egg would never be fertilized therefore there would be no life. 

Example 2 Immune cells have outer membranes that allow them to engulf other cells. Some have systems that manufacture antibodies. So therefore its function is to recognize and destroy nonself cells such as cancer cells and invading bacteria.

Example 3 Red blood cells are very small, flat disc which allows them to easily fit through narrow capillaries and around sharp corners in the circulatory system that carry the protein hemoglobin, which attaches to oxygen and delivers it to all of the body’s tissues.

4. Choose one organelle or cellular component and research a disorder that affects it. Then, answer the following:

What is the name of the disorder? Tay-Sachs disease

Which part of the cell is affected? Lysosomes

What are the consequences of this disorder? This condition is inherited. It’s caused by the absence of an enzyme that helps break down fatty substances.So when the molecules that were to have been broken down aren’t they accumulate instead because of the deficiency in one of the lysosomal enzymes. Symptoms will start to appear usually after 3 to 6 months after birth making infants irritable, more likely to have seizures, blindness, deafness, and paralysis. Kids usually die by the age of 5. Other forms of Tay-Sachs disease are very rare. Signs and symptoms can appear in childhood, teens, or adulthood and are usually milder than those seen with the infantile form.


Question #1

Name of tissue:skeletal muscle tissue

Two characteristics used for identification:

Skeletal muscle looks striped or striated and they are not branched.

Question #2

Name of epithelium: Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium

Discuss the classifications of epithelial tissue based on:

Cell layers

simple- single layer of flat cells are thin and very smooth.

stratified- many layers of flat cells


simple-column shaped cells

stratified- cube shaped layer

How did this knowledge help you to identify the epithelium?

After careful review of the picture of the epithelium you can see that it has more than one layer and the cubodial shape was when I did a little further reading and research to determine and identify the name.

Question #3

Structure name:

Multipolar Neuron

Identify each label:

A – Dendrites

B –Cell Body

C – Axon

Direction of the nerve impulse:ABC

Question #4

Name the tissue:Connective Tissue

List of all fibers present and function of each fiber

Collagen Fibers- strong, flexible bundles of the protein collagen provide support, strength and flexibility to the other tissues or organs.

Reticular fibers- are made of collagen and glycoproteins. Provides support in blood vessel walls and form branching networks ariund various cells.

Elastic fibers- stretchable but strong fibers made of proteins elastin and fibrillin. Provide elasticity to tissues and organs helping them to extend and recoil.

List 5 types of cells present and function for each cell

Plasma-cells involved in the production of antibodies

Leucocytes-these include eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes

Adipocytes-found abundantly in adipose connective tissue

Fibroblasts-produce the fibers in connective tissues

Mast cells-they release histamine during hypersensitivity reactions


Connective Tissue




Gerard j Torta; Bryan H. Derrickson

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