SC121 Unit 6 Assignment – PowerPoint Presentation

SC121 Unit 6 Assignment

Epidermal wound healing

Basal cells of the epidermis encompassing the injury break contact with the basement membrane. The cells expand and travel across the wound until they connect to repair the cells.

Third degree burn

Third degree burns can damage the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous skin layer. Its manifested by a marble-white to mahogany colored to charred, dry wounds. Symptoms from a third degree burn include large amount of water loss, bacterial infection, reduced blood circulation, decrease in urination, and diminished immune responses.

Third degree burn research

One of the treatments you can receive for a third degree burn is a skin graft. A skin graft is where they take donor skin and place it over the burned area.


Integumentary is involved by freeing sweat at its surface and by modifying the stream of blood in the dermis to help protect the body.

Bone cells

Osteoblasts are bone building cells by synthesizing and secreting collagen needed to build bone tissue Osteoclasts are huge cells derived from fusion of many as 50 monocytes and concentrated in the endosteum.Osteocytes are main bone cell tissue to maintain daily metabolism by exchanging nutrients and wastes into the blood.


Open fracture is where a broken bone protrudes through the skin but does not break the skin.

Fracture treatment

You can get treatment foe open fracture by alignment in a surgical procedure using internal tools like screw, plates, pins, rods, and wires. Afterwards you will then be put into a cast, sling, splint, elastic, bandage, external fixation device, or combination of all of these.

Sphenoid bone

The reason sphenoid is called keystone of the cranial floor is because it articulates with other cranial bones by holding them together.


Tortora, G., J. (2017). “Principles of Anatomy and Physiology” 15th Edition. Retrieved from Pages 160, 167, 158, 174, 186, and 204.

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