The Impact of Alcohol and Family Violence

The Impact of Alcohol and Family Violence



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The Impact of Alcohol and Family Violence

Alcohol is a drug that is often abused by many people resulting in significant impacts on the society. It is evident that the research carried out in New York depicts that 55% of the kids are pushed into the abuse of the substance due to the family way of living. A family that consumes alcohol due to their long history of drinking alcohol happens to subject the young generations to alcohol consumptions. Alcohol is also associated with many deaths that are recorded in most of the cities that are found in the United States of America. It is estimated that the deaths that are recorded in United States tally up to 100,000 per years (Medina, 2015). Analysis of such tangible facts can help in determining the serious situation that abuse of alcohol is causing to the families and the society at large.

A historical perspective

The family norms that have encouraged the transfer of drinking habit to the young children ranging from 12 to 21 years old are unacceptable (Medina, 2015). Such individual introduced to alcohol at a tender age is expected to suffer alcohol-related diseases before that age of 40, hence leading to early deaths. Many programs have been put forward by many scholars to classify alcoholism as a disease that can be treated just like cancer and diabetes. In the video “Alcohol and the Family: Breaking the Chain” the characters featured provide a cross-cutting perspective of the situation or the impact caused by the consumption of too much alcohol. It forms a basis for discussion of this paper in the various levels and topics. However, the reality displayed is still facing many objections from the families and the members of the society.

Effects of legislative changes

Approval of the alcohol in the United States is considered funny and unacceptable. The FDA joke concerning the legalization of the alcohol use in the public is received with varied reactions. The FDA views it as a joke and should not be allowed at whatever cost. The magnitude of damage and losses associated with the alcohols utility in the United States is unacceptable (Medina, 2015). The impact cuts across the following areas: treatments of the sick, property damages, injuries encountered in alcoholism, health care expenses and lower productivity. Detention is considered the best ways to address the issue of alcoholism in the United States having done much analysis of the impact the family has in the lives of the children. The federal government also found it health to ban the television adverts and program that featured drunkards and the promotion of drinking habits.

The impact of alcohol abuse on the individuals

Individuals are often convinced to join the drinker’s crew by the peers. According to Miss Ellie, in the video, she finds it good to keep the spirit of drinking growing and spreading among the friends (Medina, 2015). Such uncontrolled habit leads to diseases and addiction which can ruin the future of the younger generation. It is evident that diseases and injuries lead to higher proportion of deaths that are suffered by the addicts. Individual tend to suffer injuries related to the impact of alcohol presents in the body leading to accidents and tissue damages. Similarly, health medication is quite high leading to reduced investments by the individuals affected by alcoholism. One denial is the outcome of the individual who finds it difficult to quit alcohol abuse. Careers are lost in the process of consuming alcohol uncontrollably while in still attached to an employer. Such a situation can lead to pain and loss of hope hence living a miserable life.

The Impact on their close friends and relatives – Friends and the family members are affected especially when the addicts are at their worst positions of drunkard. Family denial is the outcome of the reluctance of the addicts to quit the habit. It is quite difficult to control such individual ant the end up becoming a liability. Family investments are reduced due to gathering for medication of the alcoholic. According to Ted, Friends tend to isolate or avoid addicted individuals who are a liability to their ways of lives (Medina, 2015). In addition, friends who correct the habits early can joke around the miserable state of the addicts leading to further emotional damage and loss of hope.

The impact of family violence to perpetrator

It is evident that most of the families that consume alcohol are faced with a number of relationship difficulties. Such difficulties often spark a fight that can endanger the lives of the children and the relatives. Linda, narrate his success before getting into the alcoholism states of life (Medina, 2015). She ended up losing her marriage and putting pressure on her mother who was forced to raise her three children.

The impact of family violence those exposed the scene – Anger and belligerence at friends and family members become the order of the day. The children were slowly losing grip with their mother due to the habit she was depicting. Children of alcoholics are believed to marry fellow alcoholics. Considering the case of Bob and Arlene, it is believed that the family setup and background were based on strong alcohol addicts (Medina, 2015). Such a family grew up knowing the alcohol was legal and part of their lives.

Intervention methods

Domestic violence can be classified in various ways depending on the intervention approaches. There are the physical assaults and the intimate partner violence (IPV) which is the most pronounced violence (DT George, Spero, Ghassemzedeh, Doty, Umhau, & Rawlings, 2011). The pattern and safety of the assaulted victims must be examined in order to determine the nature of the violence. Furthermore, the history of the violence is important in developing the most appropriate intervention.

The intervention methods include: increasing the security of the victim, supporting the victims, inform the victims about their role in reporting the cases and fixing the problem and not just isolating the victims. Secondly, listening to the story and encouraging the victim act as a means of establishing a good atmosphere to solve the problem in totality. Provision of a validating message is often administered immediately the patient opens up and narrates their problem. The patient must also be provided with information about the domestic violence related with alcoholics. Moreover, referrals to the locally available incidents can be used to soften the stand of the victims. Such approach is used to ease the emotion and allow acceptance of the proposed habits.

Family rituals versus family violence

Families that have a long history of alcohol abuse can become a big obstacle toward the recovery of an individual. It is evident that individual can be rehabilitated but upon his or her return to their family, they end up getting indulged in drinking. The norms of a family can act as a protective measure for the family recovering from alcoholism and at the same time serve to ruin (Psychiatry, 1979). Family ritual is faced with some limitation when it comes to analysis of families who have identified their problem as alcohol.


Alcoholism must be acknowledged as a serious problem that the society is facing and should be resolved collectively. The family can be used as a model through which the issues of alcoholism can be resolved with immediate effect. Legislation by the federal government should focus on prohibiting the sale of alcohol to an underage individual. Furthermore, the licensing of the organizations taking part in the sale of alcohol must act as a measure to avoid ruining the entire generation of the teenagers and the families.


DT George, M. P., Spero, D., Ghassemzedeh, N., Doty, L., Umhau, J., & Rawlings, R. (2011). Fluoxetine treatment of alcoholic perpetrators of domestic violence: a 12-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled intervention study. US National Library of Medicine-National Institutes of Health , 60-65.

Medina, L. (2015, 2 2). Alcohol and the Family: Breaking the Chain. Retrieved 3 21, 2015, from Films On Demand:

Psychiatry, A. J. (1979). Family rituals and the recurrence of alcoholism over generations. US National Library of Medicine-National Institutes of Health , 589-593.

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