The Present and the Future of Religion dv4vsv1s1

The Present and the Future of Religion

Let me first say that when it comes to religion, I am very closed minded. I have this belief that other religions exist but I cannot allow their beliefs to brainwash my own beliefs. Now that can be said about me and my religion of Christianity. Among the religions we discussed this week the one religion that I find the most interesting is last week discussion over the Sikhism religion. Sikhism stresses the importance of doing good actions rather than merely carrying out rituals. Sikhs believe that the way to lead a good life is to keep God in heart and mind at all times, live honestly and work hard, treat everyone equally, be generous to the less fortunate and serve others. These are some of the same principles I live by as a Christian.

The formation of new religion is not a new phenomenon. Social trends results in the formation of new religion and dictate new religious movement. Some of the social groups which have developed are Hinduism.

Three ways that social trends affect the formation of new religions and dictate new religious movements are social conflict, social constructionist and plausibility. Social-conflict approach to religion highlights how it functions to maintain social inequality by providing a worldview that justifies oppression. The social constructionist approach to religion presents a naturalistic explanation of the origins of religion. Plausibility structures are the societal elements that provide the support for a set of beliefs but not necessarily religious.

Fisher, M. P. (2014). Living religions (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

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