UDL & Differentiation – PowerPoint Presentation

UDL & Differentiation

EDU673: Instruct. Strat. for Differentiated Teach & Learn (NMC1627A)

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

UDL is a structure for adaptable learning climate that guarantees all students have approach to equal educational programs and learning opportunities as those another them. It furnishes teachers the capacity to plan and design their curriculums to accommodate students with learning differences. Puckett (2013) states that “Universal Design for Learning support differentiation expresses that students varies in what they realize, how they learn, and why they learn” (p 3.1). Universal Design for Learning is a readiness for instructing to prepare educators with a set up for equal educational opportunities for students.


Differentiation is a method of educating. It allows educators to personally get to know their students strong areas, struggling areas, learning style, and differences so that they could furnish each students with the support they need to accomplish their educational goals. Students are provided with several methods and strategies to obtain and retain knowledge. Teachers use ongoing assessment, problem-solving opportunities, group work, and the ability to choose in what they learn, which provides students with continous learning and modification for enriched learning (Puckett, 2013, p 1.2).

Compares and contrasts UDL & Differentiation


Both share the teaching to help all students no matter their learning difference or styles. Both provide methods and strategies that provides equal and same quality learning opportunities to all students.Both provides teachers with effective instructional directions and modification opportunities.They both support each other in learning.(Dalton, & Brand, 2012)


They differ by the means of how students needs are addressed. Differentiation is continuous while UDL is at the start of the lessons.They differ by using different principles of teaching. UDL uses Multiple Means of Representation, Providing Multiple Means of Expression, and Providing Multiple Means of Engagement while Differentiation uses Content, Process, additional guidelines, and Products. (Mills, Monk, Keddie, Renshaw, Christie, Geelan, & Gowlett, 2014)

blending the concepts in your current or future classroom

I envision blending UDL and Differentiation in my future classroom by first by getting to know my students and their abilities, differences, and styles. Than I will get familiar with the Common Core State Standards and what they accept the children to know and learn for that grade. By aligning the concepts with the CCSS, I will provided a curriculum that is effective to enrich high standards for my students. I will identify the main concepts and plan learning opportunities that best fit the concepts. I will expose the concepts to my students for them to learn them and express them what they learned. Throughout the year, I will continue to assess my students as they are growing in the learning and modifying my curriculum as they develop while removing any barriers that may come alone.

present new information

I will present new information with the use of a smartboard. By using a smartboard my students are getting an visual (readable) and audio (listening) of the information they are learning. I can provided activities whereby they can interact with the new information for hands-on learning. We will take field trips and explore the surrounding of the school.Using materials, activities, discussions, textbooks, internet, and other educational learning to present new information.

students will demonstrate their prior background knowledge

Students will demonstrate their prior background knowledge by engaging in interactive, group, and independent activities and tasks. Their will be opportunities for open discussions on varies of topics and activities for students to share their thoughts and apply concepts or knowledge of what is being presented.

strategies to engage and motivate students

I will get students engaged through hands-on activities, group work, and interaction.Use technology as a source of learning that way they are not just listening but viewing material as well.Ask engage questions Provide ways where children can be creative and express themselvesPraise students for a job well done and doing their bestEncouragement and make classroom learning relevant to their livesOffering support, feedback, and assessment to my students will there are learning.Creating structure and telling my students what is expected on them Being clear and understanding to all my students


Dalton, E. M., & Brand, S. T. (2012). The Assessment of Young Children through the Lens of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Forum On Public Policy Online, 2012(1), Mills, M., Monk, S., Keddie, A., Renshaw, P., Christie, P., Geelan, D., & Gowlett, C. (2014). Differentiated learning: from policy to classroom. Oxford Review Of Education, 40(3), 331-348. doi:10.1080/03054985.2014.911725Puckett, K (2013). Differentiating Instruction: A Practical Guide. Bridgepoint Education: San Diego, CA.

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