Unit 2 DB – Employee Protection Laws

An important part of HRM is understanding the Federal laws and Executive Orders that have brought equality, safety, and health to the workplace.  Select one of the following employment laws listed below. Please do not duplicate one of the laws you are doing for your PowerPoint presentation.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Executive Order 11246 (1965)

Title VII and Sexual Harassment Amendment

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Age Discrimination in Employment (1967)

Americans with Disabilities Acts of 1990 and 2008

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health ACT of 1970

Please include:

A summary of the law’s history and the major components.  Using academic data paraphrase the information in your words and provide in-text citations and references. Do not quote sections of the law.  To understand the law, you need to research and then restate the information in your words.

Why is the law important to you or someone you know?

Do you feel the law is working?

Please communicate throughout the week with your classmates on the laws they selected. Remember the more postings, the more dynamic the DB will be. Information on the APA format is in Colleges Success Resources.

A summary of the law’s history and the major components.  Using academic data paraphrase the information in your words and provide in-text citations and references. Do not quote sections of the law.  To understand the law, you need to research and then restate the information in your words.

Why is the law important to you or someone you know?

Do you feel the law is working?

I decided to write about the Executive order 11246 which was passed in 1965. After researching about this Executive Order, I realized there were a lot of laws being passed and all of which have made a big difference in our world of employment today. I found the most impactive part of the laws that were passed were about businesses no longer being allowed to discriminate based on race, sex, origin, or religion. This was a very impactive law to be passed back in the 60’s and has made what our modern world of HRM is today. I found that Mighty Recruiter (2018) had done a great job summarizing its main focuses, “Executive Order 11246 requires qualifying contractors and subcontractors that work with the government to avoid discrimination of their employees while making decisions. To qualify contractors must have at least 50 employees and contracts of $50,000 or more. Contractors are not allowed to discriminate based on race, sex, national origin, or religion. Additionally, contractors are required by Executive Order 11246 to take affirmative action to prevent discrimination in their organization, including by developing and holding to an Affirmative Action Plan. If contractors are found to be in violation of this executive order, they may be subject to termination, cancellation, or suspension.” This law has changed a lot of things that has impacted multiple people. I, myself, have grown up in a family of mainly women and if there was still discrimination against sex in the workplace then it would have made it impossible to get where my family is now, which is mainly management position or sergeants in the military. In my opinion, I would say that this law is working for the most part. Though there are some people that should not be in management and they may not practice these laws to the best of their abilities, but I wouldn’t say these laws don’t work because of those bad apples.


Mighty Recruiter. (2018). Executive Order 11246 of 1965. Retrieved from: https://www.mightyrecruiter.com/recruiter-guide/hiring-glossary/executive-order-11246-of-1965/

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