Unit 4 Discussion Science

Units of Measurement

Units of Measurement

Chocolate cake recipe


Ingredients Imperial units(original recipe ingredients) Metric units(convert recipe ingredients)
Self-raising flour 5 ounces 141.75 grams
corn flour 0.5 ounces 14.17 grams
Bicarbonate 1 teaspoon 4.8 grams
Salt 1 teaspoon 5.69 grams
Cocoa 2 dessert spoonfuls 24.64 milliliters
Caster sugar 10 ounces 283.495 grams
Butter 2 ¾ ounces 77.96 grams
Milk ¾ cup 180 milliliters
Eggs 2 2
Vanilla essence 2 teaspoons 10 milliliters

It was difficult to make the conversion from one system to another. This is because the values used during conversion have several decimals and values making conversion tedious. It also makes the conversion less accurate as compared to the original value. Also, each ingredient has a different unit of measure which requires an individual to convert the measure of each ingredient separately. This makes conversion time consuming and inconvenient.

From an online mapping program, the distance between Appleton, Wisconsin which is my home town to Chicago is 192 miles or 392 kilometers. This is the distance I will have to travel to attend a graduation ceremony in Kaplan University in Chicago, Illinois. To know this distance in smaller units, I would convert as below

1 mile is equal to 1,760 yards

Therefore, 192 miles is equal to (192*1760) =337,920 yards

1 yard is equal to 5,280 feet

Therefore, 337920 yards is equal to (337,920*5,280) = 1,784,217,600 feet

To convert this distance in kilometers into meters:

1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters

Therefore, 392 kilometers is equal to (392*1000) =392000 meters

The international system of units (SI) is easier to use as compared to the English Imperial System of units. This is because the metric system uses a decimal system making conversion between different units or measures easier. The decimal system makes enables an individual to convert various units my multiplying or dividing by 10, 100 or 1000 and so forth. On the other hand, the Imperial system uses several figures making conversion tedious. (Soman, 2009).

The stone (abbreviated as ‘st’) is a measurement used to express weight including the weight of items and even a person’s weight. This is a British unit for weight used especially to weigh dry products. Initially, a rock of any good size was used as the standard but later its value fluctuated with commodity and region. The stone is still used in Britain to express the weights of people and large animals. The stone can be converted into, pounds, grams and kilograms to measure weight One stone is equivalent to 14 pounds, 6350.2932 grams and 6.350 kilograms.(Taylor, 1995).


Barry Taylor (1995) Guide for the use of the international system of units (SI): The metric system Diane Publishing

K. Soman, (2009) International System of Units: A Handbook on S.I. Unit for Scientists and Engineers PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd


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