Virtual Teams vs Traditional teams – Advantages and Disadvantages

Week 6 Assignment 3

Virtual Teams vs Traditional teams: Advantages/Disadvantages

CIS 336 – Enterprise Architecture

Strayer University



Global organizations have branches that are located in multiple countries. Some of these organizations develop software and take advantage of the global talent pool of software developers while others have global technical support teams, customer service, and so on. Virtual teams are created when two or more people work together from different locations, organizations, times zone, and / or time shifts. Global organizations use virtual teams in order to provide global support, reduce travel costs, reduce training costs, and take advantage of local cultural knowledge that may impact the organization’s operations.

Examine five (5) issues that the IT department is likely to face when it comes to supporting virtual teams;

Create an architectural diagram that shows how the virtual teams would collaborate and access common repositories for documents, software, development, and testing facilities. Use Visio or an equivalent such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

  1. Help Desk Support model – The IT department must decide how satellite offices and teams will be supported via phone for help. There needs to be a centralized call center or number so that teams that need immediate support can get help when needed. This includes the proper tools to remotely access the team members hardware as well.
  2. Offline help & Resources – The IT department must make intranet service available so that virtual teams can access internal resources such as the network drive, e-mail and other company resources
  3. Remote security – IT must provide a secure way to dial into the network via VPN whether via SSL/TLS, or a client using PPTP/IPSEC. This is paramount to accessing he intranet resources securely.
  4. Hardware rotation, issuing and assignment – The IT department must have a policy on how to properly get replacement hardware into the field in a documented way. Teams need to have viable equipment in the field. Rotation of equipment is also vital to company accounting processes and asset controls. Team members must sign a TOU and acknowledgement of receipt.
  5. Time-zone differences and support overlap– The IT department must have a policy in place for escalations and support issues that come in off hours. How will this be handled. Will it be handled via another vendor, a 24 hour chat, or some other support channels.
  6. CRM– there must be a way for virtual teams to support tier level tickets that are recorded and escalated appropriately. Service Desk and Salesforce provide ways to track tickets and manage marketing, escalations and metrics in the cloud and within the enterprise.
  7. Security – The IT department must have a way to monitor authentication and lock out issues in the field. Lock outs and authentication issues comprise about 75 to 80 percent of volume in help desk operations.

Describe five (5) advantages and five (5) disadvantages of using virtual teams for the organizations described in the scenario.



  1. Lower overhead costs – teams are obviously not in a brick and mortar location. This saves overhead for rent, heating, and office space. The need for a conference hall, even for yearly conferences etc are not needed.
  2. More satisfied employees – Virtual teams give employees the needed flexibility to get things done without punching a clock. They don’t have to come into a physical office, or brave the rush hour traffic etc. This creates a higher morale for the team members.
  3. Higher scalabilityGrowing the team does not require hunting for more space or building more cubicles. It allows managers the flexibility to issue what is needed for operations and equipment and have the employee hit the ground running.
  4. Quickly Responding to global demands – virtual teams can be constructing quickly to meet regional and global needs. This takes the stress off of senior and middle management. It allows organizations to adapt quickly to the tasks at hand.
  5. Leverage Global Talentthis allows the organization to find and also enlist talent from different geographic areas. This brings experience, administrative and technical expertise to the team and to the organization.
  6. Sources

    1. Less cohesiveness – Virtual teams may not bond or develop the trust that onsite and brick and mortar teams do. This is a leadership and culture issue that needs to be monitored.
    2. Lack of camaraderie – Personalities take time to meld. Virtual environments may pose a challenge for normal team building. This is a management and supervision issue to watch as well.
    3. Risk to reputation– Some team members may worry about visibility and their ability to be noticed for their efforts. They may worry that their reputation has suffered due to being chosen for the team.
    4. Security and compliance issues – working off site and remotely poses its own risks on authentication, breach of proprietary information and other security leaks. It is up to leadership and the IT department to put checks and balances in place.
    5. Leadership and supervision issues – leadership of a virtual team must be exemplary. Managing a team that is off site or split across geographical areas is a challenge. Also, those chosen for these teams must be carefully chosen for work ethic and maturity. Furthermore, clear cut communication to the field is paramount.
    6. Bloch, R. (2017, March 28). The Virtual Workforce: What You Need to Know. Retrieved February 16, 2018, from

      Bloch, R. (2017, March 28). The Virtual Workforce: What You Need to Know. Retrieved February 16, 2018, from

      MSG Management  Study  Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2018, from


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