Your good friends have just adopted a four-year-old child

Your good friends have just adopted a four-year-old child. At this point, the only socialization decision they have made is that the child is going to preschool. Imagine that you are an expert in your chosen field. Your friends have come to you for advice and to devise a plan to raise their child. They ask you to be frank with them and give them specific examples to support your opinions. They are determined to raise this child to the best of their ability. Since they are new parents, they need advice on everything!

Summarize Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model and describe why it is important for them to be aware of this theory.

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory holds that ‘development’ is influenced by several environmental systems. The theory identifies five environmental systems. The five environmental systems are:microsystem, mesosytem, exosystem, macrosystem and the chronosytem.

The Microsystem is composed of a person’t family, school, pers and neighbors. The microsystem has the most direct interactions with parents, teachers and peers. For example:

“Microsystem: This refers to the immediate surroundings of the individual. These contexts include the person’s family, peers, school, and neighborhood. It is in the microsystem that the most direct interactions with social agents take place; with parents, peers, and teachers, for example. The individual is not merely a passive recipient of experiences in these settings, but someone who actually helps to construct the social settings.

Mesosystem: This refers to the relations between the different  microsystems or connections between contexts. Some common examples are the connection between family experiences and school experiences, school experiences to church experiences, and family experiences to peer experiences. For example, children whose parents have rejected them may have difficulty developing positive relations with their friends or peers.

Exosystem: Is concerned with the connection between a social setting in which the individual does not have an active role and the individual’s immediate context. For example, a wife’s or child’s experience at home may be influenced by the husband’s experiences at work. The father  might receive a promotion that requires more travel, which might increase conflict with the wife  and affect patterns of interaction with the child.

For example, A child whose father is in the military was just given orders to move overseas to Japan. This indirectly affects the child because now they have to move and leave behind their friends.

example is when a child is displaced due to a natural disaster occurring in a child’s community. The child was not actively involved in the natural disaster but nonetheless is heavily impacted by the result of the disaster. Because of the natural disaster, community members struggle and face detrimental changes to support their daily lives. These struggles are trickled down to the child; in turn deeply impacted the child’s basic needs. With such natural disasters, schools, homes, businesses, community buildings, and so forth could be displaced. Furthermore, even though the child was not directly impacted by the natural disaster, the parent could face economic struggles, emotional stress, and trauma after the tragedy. Thus, the child feels the negative connections of the environmental event.

Macrosystem: Describes the culture in which individuals live. Culture meaning the ways of people. Cultural contexts would include socioeconomic status, poverty, and ethnicity.

Chronosystem: Refers to the patterning of environmental events and transitions over the life of an individual as well as sociohistorical circumstances. For example, divorce is one transition. Researchers have found that the negative effects of divorce on children often peak in the first year after the divorce. Two years after the divorce, family interaction is less chaotic and more stable. An example of sociohistorical circumstances, would be the increasing opportunities for women to pursue a career.

The ecological theory is one among the many  different theories related to human development. It emphasizes environmental factors as playing the major role to development. However this theory varies from culture to culture.

Suggest and explain a parenting style/philosophy (authoritarian, authoritative, or permissive) that you believe will be most beneficial for the child and the family.

authoritative parenting style is characterized by high degrees of demandingness and responsiveness. These parents are likely to show a large amount of affection and warmth for the child, respect the child’s individual freedom and independence, clearly communicate expectations while giving the child some degree of choice, and have high standards for mature behavior from the child.

Explain which childcare (nanny, center-based, or family-based care) option (before/during/after preschool) you think is best for the child and why. Be sure to include discussion of the social factors that influence the likelihood of the family selecting a particular form of childcare.

When it comes to nonparental care I have always preferred a nanny over center based care. I always enjoyed not having to deal with the politics of relying on a relative or with the hassel of early morning drop-offs or late pickups and drop-offs at a daycare center. There are so many advantages that come with using a nanny, and now there are websites like and which allow you to review nanny profiles, background checks and reviews from other families. You get to schedule the interview on your own time and you can host the interview in the comfort of your own home. You have the option to have a live-out nanny who will come to your house and care for your child or you can have a live-in nanny who will be easily accessible if an emergencoy arises and you need your nanny at a moments notice. Having a nanny saves you from getting up early and rushing to get yourself and your child dressed and out the door to daycare and work on time. At the end of the day you can go straight home and be with your family. You can build personal relationships with your nanny and invite them to go on trips and functions with your family. Having the same person caring for your child with help build a strong relationship and bond between them and make them comfortable. In a daycare setting, there is a hight turn-over rate and care givers often change classroom and introduce children to too many adults. You can make a list of activities you would like your nanny to do with your child or you and your nanny can make a weekly or monthly chart of activities and outings together. This will allow you both to be on the same page and introduce each other to activities that you both enjoy. Scheduling in time for your whole family to spend with your nanny is a great way to include them into the family and really get to know each other. Allowing your nanny to take your children to the park or on playdate with approved neighbors with help with their socialization. If your child gets ill your nannu can be in your home with them so they are not exposed to tother germs or exposing any other children to germs. They will be in their own home with access to their medicine, bed and other personal items to make them comfortable. A nanny can learn family morals and values and implement them in the care of your child. Your children will not be exposed to other children who may have bad morals and manners. Unlike daycares, your nanny can be flexible to your work schedule and can be available on the weekends and after hours.


Share specific suggestions, including at least two to implement safe technology use in the home. Explain how the media can (both positively and negatively) influence the child.

Discuss the importance of culture and ethnicity in the development of the self-concept. Share your ideas of ways that the new parents can create opportunities for the child to learn about his or her culture.

Significance of culture and ethnicity in the development of self-concept

Ethnic identity as component of a person’s self-concept originates from membership

knowledge in a cultural group and the emotional or value significance attached that such a membership. The level upon which a person has experienced acculturation into the dominant culture affects the significance place on membership of ethnic group. Perry-Jenkins, Newkirk & Ghunney (2013) argues that kids seem to build their self-concept views through a process of engaging in the interactions that caregivers seem to

construct, which align with the cultural values concerning human existence nature. For instance when one looks at western culture; when a person is striving towards independence and individuality alongside stressing oneself are viewed as critical attainments. As a result of these acuities, a number of westerners are inclined to view kids who are outward-bound and enthusiastic to explore new things are manifesting competence and also having positive self-concept. Easterners on the other hand have a different perception from westerners, and they normally consider upholding harmonious interdependence relationship. The new parent should give the kid the room to interact with other children around. Kids who are of the same age set seem to be confident on their own.

A parent should teach their kids as much as they can and encourage them to be curious and try new things. Parents can help kids know what questions they should be asking to educate themselves on different cultures. Modeling honesty and acceptancy by including people from various cultural backgrounds to interact with your child.

The parent can teach the kid to stay curious and be interested in new things, which are happening around him. The parent can also educate the kid to ask questions so that he can learn more about culture. The parent could also model honesty and acceptance by allowing different individuals from various backgrounds to interact with the child.

Describe at least two researched methods to increase the child’s self-esteem and positive attitude.

Self-esteem is how much a person values themselves and how important they think they are in their world. It is imperative to help develop positive self-esteem in your child. Praising your child for their efforts and halping them recognize their full potential will supply them with a positive attitude. A positive attitude goes a long way with children and believing in them selves and their abilities will build their self-esteem. Enrolling your child in extracurriculat activities shows them that you believe in their abilities and you are there to support them them one hundred percent. Children begin to discover their strengths and talents. If you notice your child loves to dance around the house and tumble you should introduce them to ballet and or gymnastics. Giving them a choice of activity will allow them to discover their self-concept. Enstilling in your child that making a mistake is part of growing and correcting the mistake and pushing forward is a sign of strength. Having a positive attitutude in the mist of a complication will help your child find a solution and get past the negative feelings. If your child says, “I can’t learn the dance it’s too fast.” You can reply “ How about we slow down the steps and learn them one by one. Soon you will be able to put them together and realize that you had it all along” This fosters a positive attitude and will encourage your child to work harder and be proud of themselves for not giving up.

Finding an extracurricular activity they enjoy and are good at can help kids discover their strengths and keep academic struggles in perspective. If your child has a nice voice and likes to sing, find a choir to join. Or if she’s interested in sports, talk about signing up for a local soccer or softball league.

Watch as kids with learning and attention issues talk about the value of mentorship.

If there’s no activity that immediately appeals to your child, consider seeking out a mentor for your child. Connecting with someone who’s a little further along in the journey can inspire and build confidence in your child. Part of having a growth mindset is acknowledging that mistakes are learning opportunities. When your child knows that it’s OK to fail and there are solutions to mistakes, it can help build self-esteem. Help your child find the “next time you can” in her mistakes. For example, you could say, “Yep, you spilled the juice. Next time you’re pouring the juice, you can hold your glass over the sink.”

Differentiate between the importance of socialization that occurs in the home and at school. Explain the importance of each venue as a positive haven for the child.

Explain the importance of the teacher’s role in the child’s life. Give examples of how the school and the teacher will affect the child’s socialization.

Teachers have an important role in a child’s life which is to assist in the developmental process of building cognitive and social skills. Creating a safe environment fostered by support and creativity is essential to a child’s development. Teachers are responsible for establishing rules and boundaries and reinforcing them in order to maintain a positive classroom.

A teachers role in a child’s life is to assist in the developmental process of building social and intellectual skills. Teachers create an environment supplied with high quality and appropriate tools to ready children for society. A teachers impact on a child’s socialization is based on the examples the set. Teachers are responsible for modeling acceptance, kindness and compassion towards others. Theses examples can be implemented into their curriculum and during play. A teacher must also make children feel cared for and accepted. By modeling this type of behavior as a teacher, children are able to develop proper socialization skills which will lead to them having a successful and happy lifestyle. Teachers are to be a positive role model, leader and guide for children.

Share the importance of positive peer interactions. Give two examples for the parents to implement at home to foster friendships.

The conclusion of the Final Paper should include the following:

Brief discussion of the student’s future profession and how understanding the nature of families and children in relation to society is important for that profession.

Discussion of how the student’s knowledge of the theories of socialization will impact his or her work in the future profession.

Having the knowledge of the theories of socialization will help students apply their values and beliefs to social situations. It will keep them aware of social stigmas and always provide them with options of who to socialize with and how. Knowing these theories will help teachers identify and distinguish good behavior from bad and will give them the tools to deal with behavior. It will also allow students to decide what profession they would like to go into based on how they socialize and the types of people they want to be around.

Understanding how a child develop will prepare a teacher to recognize cultural differences, changes in moods and attitudes. They will be able to model appropriate behavor for their students and identify situations such as bullying, low self esteem and lack of self-regulation. Knowing that all children develop differently will allow teachers to study children and identify their individual needs.

Discussion of how the student’s understanding of child development will assist him or her in the chosen profession.

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