Angle Fundamentals

Angle Fundamentals

Discuss the following:

In right triangle trigonometry, explain why cos 60°= ½, regardless of the actual size of the triangle. You are given the value of tan θ. Is it possible to find the values of all the other trigonometric functions without finding the actual measure of the angle θ? Can you give an example in your work (or home life) where you need to work with triangles?

The initial post by day 5 should be 75 to 150 words, but may go longer depending on the topic. If you use any source outside of your own thoughts, you should reference that source. Include solid grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling. Please use complete sentence when writing your response.


In a right angle triangle, cos θ= Adjacent / hypotenuse.

This is also true that the ratio of Adjacent to hypotenuse is 1 : 2 since the other angle remaining is 30 degrees to make it 180. These ratios are constant no matter the size of the triangle. This makes cos 60°= ½ no matter the size since we are dealing with ratios. Angles are constant.

If we are given the value of tan θ, it is not possible to find the values of other trigonometric functions without finding the actual measure of the angle θ.

Our home roofs are triangles. When building, we work with them carefully for houses to be well stable and balanced.

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