ABS 200 week 2 discussion 1 The Problem of Pain

Ashford 3: – Week 2 – Discussion 1

Identify the type of pain your client is experiencing for which applications of applied behavioral science are appropriate. I will be using my ex-in-law as my patient for this assignment. She is 67-year-old. All her life she worked for a couple as their home health aide. In this job she was a cook, housekeeper and babysitter of the couple who in the process of dying but fortunately for the family they lasted four years. Silvia (ex-in-law) was to bath them, change them and feed as well and for most choirs she was left along. She did a lot of heavy lifting that in time it cost her a few disk and nerves problems on the spinal cord. Now she is retired due her medical condition: chronic asthma, seven to eight dislocations of spinal cords and nerve pinching and to top it rheumatoid arthritis that causes her ankles and back inflammations with pain.

Describe any psychological factors and emotional states of your client which appear to impact her or his mental and physical health. All these symptoms and conditions had made her irritable and angry because it had affected her lifestyle of being active and enjoying what she did most: working. She also has the need of feeling needed by her grown children but they all have their life’s to live. She feels that the older she the more useless shell become. She also constantly worries about maintaining her weight and goes on weekly body cleaning with natural substances that makes her lose a few pounds. Her sex life has declined which was something she enjoyed not too long ago and this is hard for her. The fact is that her psychological and emotional factors have impacted her long-term tension and emotional stress in her life.

Indicate the client’s locus of control and health motivation. Utilize terminology outlined in your reading. My client locus of control and health motivation is that she has stopped making excuses of the problem she is facing and has accepted that she is indeed aging and that with the aging process many health problems may have arrived and she has to make the best of it. She decided to open a restaurant since one of her hobbies is cooking and monetary management. This keeps her mind centered in things she enjoys rather complaint about the things she won’t be able to enjoy.

Identify any additional stressors your client is experiencing that may exacerbate her or his pain experience. Being that she works as a cook and manages the restaurant she stands for long periods of time but learns that went she gets pain than she sits and rest, takes her medications prescribe by her physician for her asthma, vitamins. The heavier tasks she has other do and she does the very light tasks.

Based on the reading, identify at least one pain management technique you believe would best reduce the pain experience in this situation. For pain management the patient is to have massage therapy and a lot of resting in a comfortable setting. This helps most of the times in her ankle, feet and back pain. In times when it gotten worse than epidural steroid injection relieves major pains.

Examine the application of your selected pain management technique in relation to the same situation within a different culture. Explain the role of the perception of pain and the impact of culture on perception of pain, identifying and usage trends of applied behavioral science unique to different groups. In the Chinese cultural acupuncture is combined with heat pressure, friction, suction, or electrical impulses. In the British, taking a cold bath every day in the early morning in the cold weather eases and even eliminates joint pain. Europeans uses the venom as therapy. They claim is has cured rheumatism, arthritis and gout. Venoms like bees sting.

Citation: ( NatraCure, 2014)

Bibliography Entry:

NatraCure. (2014, September 10). 5 Arthritis Treatments from Around the World. Retrieved from Natra Cure: http://natracure.com/blog/5-arthritis-treatments-world

Citation: (health psychology, 2016)

Bibliography Entry:

health psychology. (2016). In M. D.-K.-M. Christopher J. McCarthy, Introduction to Applied Behavioural Science. Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Ashford 3: – Week 2 – Discussion 2

Write: Create a written summary of the information you would include in a presentation on the assigned topic.  

Required topics to be addressed: Your summary must cover each of the following topics in the order presented below in your own words. Be sure to write in complete sentences. 

Identify specific characteristics of your target audience.

My Audience target are workaholic persons, people who tends to put work first before family and health and they work more than 50 hours per week. Workaholic people often think of how they can free up more time to work, time spent initially is more than intended, but the truth is that they work to reduce feelings of guilt anxiety, helplessness or depression. If work is prohibited from them they become stress. They start to deprioritize hobbies, leisure activity and even exercise.

Briefly define stress and give examples relevant to your target audience.

In today’s digital world we can say that is a new concept of what work addiction is. Now we have so much in technology like laptops, desktops, cellphones, iPads and watches that it’s good and bad at the same time because you spend too many hours. When you’re are a workaholic weekends are an opportunity to work those extra hours you didn’t during the week and vacation will be working time also and the time spent to your family and friends start to vanish.

Another problem is the fast working environment with approaching deadlines which means working longer working hours for most people and if deadline is not met than loss of productivity and profits presents and it could be the opposite too.

Discuss at least two specific stressors relevant to your target audience’s primary concerns.

The primary concerns of a workaholic are that the person can face poor physical and mental well-being. Age appearance chances can increase. Higher risk of heart attack. May also face challenges of decreased in emotional well-being and not to forget have strained relationships and this happens more in men than in women.

Describe healthy and unhealthy ways in which people may respond to the two stressors listed in #3 above.

Unhealthy– when too much focus and time is spent then a tenderness of Nervousness, hostile and impulsive starts to develop until they get a costume to it and then secondary effects like health problems and family problems.

Healthy– the more active a workaholic person gets the more Brainiac and inventive and action oriented if the person can learn to manage time.

Select one specific skill a mental health professional might teach to help individuals cope effectively with stress.

Treatment can range from attending self-help groups like workaholics anonymous to checking into a residential treatment center. Therapy usually involves learning how to disengage from work, finding strategies to re-engage with family, and identifying methods to become more efficient.

Define resilience and identify at least three factors associated with resilience.

Resilience has been defined as an attitude that enables the individual to examine, enhance and it utilize the strength, characteristics and other resources available to the person. The three factors of one individual are:

Response and Methods– allows them to successfully navigate through or past an event perceived to be stressful.

Flexibility – the ability to bounce back from negative emotional experiences

Mobilizes– personal features that enable individuals, groups and communities (including controlled communities such as a workforce) to prevent, tolerate, overcome and be enhanced by adverse events and experiences

Identify at least three ways to build resilience.

Discuss the importance of flexibility in maintaining resilience.

  • Resilience can vary for most people, because there are those who see negative life events as fixed and unchangeable vs. temporary and subject to influence. one way to build resilience is to pump up your positivity like finding the best in every worst thing. Secondly is live to learn not learn to live. An example is pain. Pain comes to all in life and the best thing to do is look at the problem and ask what is it the solution to this or what can I learn from this, like to look at it as an opportunity to problem solve, start building confidence and a habit of moving forward the pain instead of running from it. Third and a few more is to have an open heart to act of kindness and perhaps regulari volunteering to help others because this can be worth noting that receiving kindness from others may just be important to offer.

Being flexible and maintaining resilience is something we must understand

List at least one online, print, video, and/or local resources in your community where participants may receive additional help in learning to effectively cope with life stressors and develop/enhance their resilience skills.

Citation: (Jan Diehm from The Huffington Post, 2013)

Bibliography Entry:

Jan Diehm from The Huffington Post. (2013, July 31). How Your Job Is Slowly Killing You (INFOGRAPHIC). Retrieved from The Huffington Post-Wellness: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/31/how-your-job-is-slowly-killing-you_n_3652943.html

My Response-Treatment- first I would have to determine the causes of workaholic in which can be negative feelings, emotional or psychological trauma and depending the cause the treatment and intervention can vary. This means learning how to talk about. Another way is of doing this is finding a hobby and making time for that and in the process I would recommend that a re-connection with family and friends is part of the recovery process.

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