Project Management
How will project communications and interactions work between the project manager, the stakeholders and the project team?
Communication plays a vital role in project management. Apart from physical communications such as body languages, there is need for good communication for every successful project manager. So to be successful, a manager will need to be to use fully different types of communication elements. The following elements will be used in this project.
Email will be used for all stakeholders but mostly with other than the project team members. | |
Interoffice memos | Internal memos provide the briefing of the policies and milestones. This can be used with the project team and the Eastside workers in issuing notifications and project progress. |
Instant Messaging (IM) | Instant messaging will be very useful when dealing with the project team. |
Project status meetings | This can be the mode of communication to the senior project stakeholders, providing regular project status is helpful for project acceptance. |
Walk-about | Involves a hands-on face-to-face approach with your team and clients |
What are some of the issues you, as the project manager will need to be concerned about in forming the project team?
Forming project team is also a vital element in completing a successful project. If roles are not clearly indicated, it can result into confusion, errors and a lot of liabilities. For example it can be confusing if the team member role is completely omitted and the project is underway. This results into a void with some phases of the project lagging behind. The following are the few scenario where team formation can be hazardous in project management.
What, if any, situational factors exist that may affect the project team’s performance?
- Selecting the first available person instead of waiting for the best person to fill the roles
- Failure to address poor team performance or non-performing individual team members, or not noticing a team being disintegrated.
- Project manager not motivating the team members
- Pushing exhausted team an result into substandard work
Any project manager should be concerned about team performance. This is very important though if teams are not put under regular check, the following problems may arise.
Project pitfalls you will want to watch out for as you execute this project?
- Believing that when the teams are behind the schedule they will ultimately catch up without the project managers’ intervention.
- Insufficient follow up to the project schedule by the project manager believing that everyone has access to it.
- Diminishing information or inadequate communication may result into a project not meeting the scheduled tasks.
- Bulking the projects tasks together instead of small measurable increments.
There are a lot of causes of project failure and every project that fails is because of a different issue. Sometimes a single problem can result into a whole project failing, but more often it is series of intertwined problems that cause project failure. Generally these issues can be categorized as follows.
Decision making problems
Major decisions are mainly taken by the project managers and not the people working on the project.
During key decision making, expert advice is usually ignored and assumed.
Failure to make critical decision or postponing critical decision making can result into a failure of a project.
Team avoids making of the difficult decisions because some stakeholders may be unhappy with the outcome
Group decisions are made at the lowest common denominator rather than facilitating group decision making towards the best possible answer.
Risk management
Failure to foresee and address potential problems.
Risk management is seen as an independent activity rather than an integral part of the planning process
Risk, problems and issues become confused as a result team isn’t really doing risk management.
Failure to plan; many project do not succeed because of its failure to make a plan. This leads to execution of a lot of work without first serious thinking.
Working under undue pressure.
Scheduling team members without getting commitments from other team members.
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