Communicating Bad News, Company Reorganization

Communicating Bad News, Company Reorganization

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Communication Strategy

In the present world organization reputation and image plays a significant role in an organization performance due to the increased market competition and superior technologies. It is therefore important for organizations to have a proper understanding of the most effective communication strategy to use both internally and externally so as to maintain healthy and optimistic new development. According to Goodman,(2017) delivering bad news might be challenging in nearly all angles both at a personal and organizational level, but when carefully and effectively undertaken it could create positive results. Most of the anxieties and fears of the individuals which they possess regarding the changes are mostly overcome if the expected changes are properly communicated and elaborated. As the middle manager level tasked with delivering the company reorganization plans it would be necessary to have effective and clear communication with my team in order to address fellow employees regarding the likely effects of the company strategies. The process of communicating organization changes must not be hurried but should be viewed as highly transparent and fair. Thus in delivering the company plans of reorganization and the likelihood of the majority of employees being rendered redundant the following strategies would play a significant role in reducing negative effects

Making Updates

When faced with such challenging decisions to make most organizations face a high risk of not recovering from the crisis or dilemma. It is important to provide the entire team with updates relating to the company strategies and how each one of them will be affected. Thus an effective and precise communication inside the company is significant during such organizational situations (Richter, König, Koppermann, & Schilling,2016). As a middle-level manager developing a communication plan that allows the entire team to receive benefit evaluation, status, and progress reports as the organizational plan is put forward. In this scenario developing and executing a broad update communications mechanism that ensures all relevant data is availed to the concerned staff to avoid speculation and rumors. Further developing a liaison team and allocating particular individuals within the group to be accountable for updates and accurate communication to the entire group will reduce distortion of messages as well as create avenues for raising grievances. This reduces panic and anxiety to those affected or not affected by the said changes, more so updates will elaborate on the implementation process.

Key Message Delivery

When presenting the key message to the concerned staff it would be vital to present the following: background of the issue and factors necessitating the reorganization, necessary financial information detailing why the expected change is necessary, availing the management plans for the change, and providing the necessary help mechanisms for those affected. A good communication strategy can ensure that even bad news is well communicated (Richter, König, Koppermann, & Schilling,2016). Although it could be possible to edit the content, however being up-front and respectful could reduce the individual distress and support the persons to move forward. According to Goodman, (2017) to organizations are made up of individuals and resolutions deliberated on a daily basis is probably likely to impact the organization, other workers, clients, and even the future of the organization. Thus internal communication is a vital aspect of the organization as it provides information as well as receives information needed to make fruitful decisions. A clearly and well-informed workforce will continue performing their tasks as required as the changes and support available is well presented.

Distraction and Rumour Challenges

False information could adversely affect the entire process and lengthen the implementation process. By providing the team with a clear communication path and simple accessibility of relevant organization data chances of spreading unconfirmed data will be minimized and reduce distraction levels. Notifying the team on the impacts of spreading false information or making social media publications regarding the matter will also help. A properly constituted liaison team tasked with making updates and receiving complaints to avoid distortions and peddling of wrong information.


Goodman, M. (2017). Communicating Strategic Change: The Continuum of Reputation, Issues Management, and Crisis Management Is Built on a Positive Corporate Culture. Social Media and Crisis Communication journal, 5(2), 61-76.

Richter, M., König, C., Koppermann, C., & Schilling, M. (2016). Displaying fairness while delivering bad news: Testing the effectiveness of organizational bad news training in the layoff context. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(6), 779.

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