Creating Classroom Management Plans

Creating Classroom Management

Erica Priscella

SPD 540

Creating Classroom Management Plan

Part One

Modifications in the Classroom Environment

Student: Wendell

Disability: Learning Disabled


Student: Wayne

  • Providing graphic organizers
  • Using Concrete Steps
  • Preferential Seating
  • Provide connections with prior knowledge of subjects
  • Provide extra time to complete assignments

Disability: Intellectually Disabled


Student: Kent

  • Provide visual supports to remain on tasks
  • Provide extra time to complete assignments
  • Lessons broken into small pieces
  • Repeat the lesson or concepts if necessary

Disability: Emotionally Disabled


Student: Ines

  • Preferential Seating
  • Provide Visual Supports to remain on tasks
  • Utilize a reward system for positive reinforcement

Disability: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


Student: Fredrick

  • Provide a reward system for positive reinforcement
  • Give the student choices
  • Provide a visual supports to have the student remain on task

Disability: Traumatic Brain Injury



  • Preferential Seating
  • Small group instruction
  • Minimize auditory and visual stimulation
  • Provide Written instruction
  • Provide a Graphic Organizer

Student with disabilities are students who receive special education services, under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that will require accommodations and/or modifications to be more successful in the classroom and school. The modifications are used to not only assist the students, but to help students with exceptionalities to “develop the highest possible learning outcomes and quality of life” (Ethical Principles and Professional Practices for Special Educators, n.d.). Multiple students with exceptionalities like students with Autism, Emotionally Disabled, Learning Disabled, and Intectual Disabled can benefit from having visuals to stay on task and using positive reinforcements. Depending on the individuals, visuals can be a visual schedule, or a first/then schedule. A key modification with students with autism is allow students the opportunity to make choices. For insistence, if a student or Ines is having hard time, the teacher can give them a choice of getting a drink or taking deep breathes. Allowing students to make a choice in the classroom will not only benefit the students on the spectrum, but all students in the classroom. Wayne, a student who is diagnosed with an intellectual disability, will benefit from using connections from prior knowledge with tasks, using graphic organizers, visuals, and preferential seating. It is important to have clear expectations when teaching students with any disabilities. Special education teachers are always trying to alter knowledge “by changing meanings to make it fit to previous knowledge, rehearsing some of the aspects, but not all” (Smith, 2004). It is important to provide clear steps, especially with a student like Wendell, it is important to acknowledge what he has completed and steps needs to finish the assignments.

Part Two


Having a clear classroom management plan is important to ensure that all students are having a safe learning environment. A classroom management plan will help provide clear rules, procedures, and consequences to students. It provides the students what the expected behaviors are as soon as the student walks into the classroom. All of the students will be on the same page to help create a positive learning environment.


Rules identifies what the general expectations or standards; a single rule can encompass a wide range of expected behaviors” (Marzano, 2009). Creating the classroom rules are important for providing students with a safe learning environment. Classroom rules can help minimize behaviors in the classroom by indicating how students should act in the classroom and the school. It is important to have rules that are clear, short, and are easily understood. The classroom rules should also have visuals that are displayed. An example of classroom rules follow directions quickly, raise your hand to talk and move, make smart choices, and inside voices. The classroom rules that are in place need to go over daily, so that students know what is expected of them on a daily basis.


Procedures for classroom managements involve what the expectations are necessary to complete activities within the classroom. Procedures that vital to how a classroom works which allows students to know how to properly enter the classroom to “participating in the classroom, how to ask for help, movement during activities, and knowing the schedule” (Rader, 2004). It is important not to have leisure time because it then provides students with the opportunity to have behaviors. Sometime, it is important for individuals to have some leisure time, but it important it to schedule the leisure time throughout the day.


With having rules set into place, it is also important to have consequences for actions when rules are not followed. When a student is not following the rules of the classroom, then the teacher must step in and act. Teachers should provide positive and negative consequences. Positive consequences can be used towards students who follow the rules and expectations of the classroom. Examples of positive consequences can be verbal praise and reward systems. “On the other hand, if students are not following the rules or constantly breaking the rules will follow the least-most intrusive consequence” (How do you develop an effective behavior management plan, n.d.). The first time a student breaks the rule or rules, the teacher can remind the whole class of what the classroom rules and expectations are or give a signal warning like proximity. So the next time, the student does not follow the rules the teacher can a verbal warning by talking to the student and discuss what the classroom rules are and how the student can ensure that the classroom rules get followed daily. However, if the student continues to break the classroom rules, the teacher can have the student move to a reflection spot in the classroom, calling home, or moving the student to a friend room. If the student continues then a referral to the office will be given to the student.

Action Plan

When the classroom rules, procedures, and consequences have been created, the classroom teacher must create a plan that must be implemented into the classroom. The classroom management plan is done before the first day of school, and teacher will create visuals of the classroom rules and procedures for the students to follow daily. Some of the procedures include how the students enter the classroom, to using the bathroom, transitioning between classrooms and specials, and emergencies. Having these visuals posted allow students to easily refer to them when it is important and will allow for a safe learning environment. After creating and posting the classroom rules and procedures, teacher should know how they want to teach and model the rules and expectations to the students.

Student Crisis Intervention

When there is severe behavior situations, it is important to have a crisis intervention plan in place. “When a student is out of control, potentially self-injurious, or possibly harmful to others,” the best thing is to remove the student from the classroom (How do develop effective behavior management plan, n.d.). Teachers and staff can use interventions that are stated in a student’s behavior intervention plan. The main concern the classroom teacher is the student’s safety during severe behaviors. However, if the student is unable to be removed from the class, the teacher should move the rest of the class to another classroom. Once the behavior has been contained and is sage, the other students in the classroom can return to the room.

Classroom Layout

Below is a classroom layout where the classroom environment adheres to students with mild and moderate disabilities. There are areas in the classroom where students can utilize multiple students to provide students with small and large group instruction.


Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards for Special Educators. (n.d.). Retrieved from from

How do you develop an effective behavior management plan? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Martha Rader, M.D. (2004). Establishing Classroom Rules and Consequences. Retrieved from

Marzano, R.J. (2009). A Handbook for Classroom Management that Works. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

Smith, C.R. (2004). Learning Disabilities: The Interaction of Students and their Environments (5th ed). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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