Cultural Imperialism


Cultural Imperialism

How Disney Might Be Considered As a Leading Force of Us Imperialism

I am fully agreed with concept that “Disney may be considered as a leading force of US imperialism. It is because Walt Disney is considered as one of the leading purveyors of globally consumed. Along with this, it should also be noted down that, Disney animation as a major global force that spreads US values and ways of life. At the same time, it is also found that, Disney may be considered as a leading force of US imperialism because it is promoting a more powerful culture over a least known or desirable culture (BBC, 2001).

On the other hand, Disney World vision is becomes one of the best known American entrepreneurs. Nearly hundred years since the time, Walt decided to build Disney World in Orlando and his theme park is still attracting tourists from all countries that fulfill Walt’s dream through shaping how America is perceived abroad. Disney animation is focusing on a major global force that spreads US vales and ways of life across developing countries is great significance (BBC, 2001). Moreover, Disney development theory is especially anxious about American cultural imperialism or media imperialism that was often considered with US values such as consumerism and individualism. The Disney World Empire often stands defendant of US cultural imperialism in a ruthless global business.

Disney might be considered as a leading force of US culture or media imperialism because the company is always focus on spreads US vales with a major global force. Moreover, I am agree with Disney US imperialism concept through considered with US values such as consumerism and individualism (Franz & Smulyan, 2011). At the same time, through use of the US imperialism, Disney World would be able to maintain it the top American entrepreneur reputation and maintain its leading position in the global market.


BBC. (2001). Spotlight on Disney’s cultural legacy. Retrieved from:

Franz, K., & Smulyan, S. (2011). Major Problems in American Popular Culture. USA: Cengage Learning.

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