Discuss personal safety as a Real Estate Agent and your personal safety plan. Why is it important to become well versed concerning possible threats and the most effective preventative measures?
There are many horror stories out there about attacks on real estate agents. Some were robbed, killed, and even assaulted. Real estate agents face danger every time they show properties, meet new clients, transport potential clients, or hold open houses to the public. This is why personal safety is of the utmost importance.
My personal safety plan would be to meet the clients at the office first, no exception (Edwards, 2006). This way I can get a copy of their driver’s license, vehicle information, and introduce them to the staff (Edwards, 2006). I will let the staff know at all times where I will be and with whom. I could even bring a coworker along when showing a property if I feel uneasy about a client. I must at all times be aware of my surroundings because you never know who is watching you waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. I would buy some pepper spray or a taser for protection and keep my cell phone handy. Using this plan is some of the ways a real estate agent can be well versed concerning possible threats. Implementing them are the preventative measures in order to stay safe.
What changes do you foresee for Real Estate Agents in the future?
The major change I foresee for real estate agents in the future is the use of technology (Edwards, 2006). Technology such as robots or computers will put a real estate agents job in jeopardy. Clients will no longer need to go into an office to conduct real estate purchases; they will have everything they need at a push of a button on their personal computers or laptops.
Discuss your plan for dealing with change in your Real Estate career.
My plan for dealing with change in this profession is to become more creative, more educated, and get as many certifications as I can to keep up with the competition that lies ahead. I will have a fighting chance to be successful because people are living longer than normal retirement age and those people will still want person to person contact when considering making the biggest investment of their lives. Yes, technology will make the process quicker; but building personal relationships or friendships is forever.
Edwards, K. W. (2006). Your Successful Real Estate Career. Saranac Lake: AMACOM. Retrieved from http://ebookcentral.proquest.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/lib/apus/detail.action?docID=3001828
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