Maria Montessori Theory
ECE 101Introduction to Early Childhood Education (ACJ1136A)
Montessori Theory
The foundation principles and concepts of Maria Montessori theory that can be applied across all ages: Independence, Observation, Following the Child, Correcting the Child, Prepared Environment and Absorbent Mind. It is within these concepts we find the logic behind why things are such in a Montessori atmosphere. These are goals and values that Maria Montessori held with regards to the education of children.
- Independence
- Independence When the children are able to do things for themselves
- There is an increase in their self belief and even self confidence and esteem that they may carry on throughout their life.
- Observation
- If the child starts banging on objects, they have the need for that gross motor activity, and then give them a drum.
- This is how observation can help create harmony, fulfilling the child’s current needs.
- Following the Child
- Follow them in what they need to do.
- If they want to climb give them opportunities to climb in a safe manner but allow them, do not be overprotective.
- Correcting the child
- Children make mistakes, they may spill something, or drop food unintentionally, etc., and there is no need to raise your voice.
- Why don’t we get a cloth and wipe it up.
Early Childhood Education Today
George S. Morrison
Ashford Online
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