Ethics in Psychology
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Ethics and morality go hand in hand and they are characterized by the ability of human beings to treat each other with dignity and respect under free will and choice irrespective of the circumstance under outline ethical principles. The article looks into a survey done and the conclusions made about ethics in line to a psychological point of view (Dorsey, 1974).
Interpretation of the Survey
The survey tries to depict how the issue of ethics and morals should not be coerced but should be based on rationality and principles. Ethical morality is based on free will and the obligation for one to do what is right or wrong from their free will; this is the freedom to act from the conscience perspective whereby results of the action are disregarded and the intentions behind them taken into consideration (Fortenbaugh, 2006). The survey advocates for the freedom to choose on the rules one is willing to follow in regards to the actions that one takes. The principles that guide ethics should never be deterred on circumstantial basis but they should be upheld at all times irrespective of the factors at hand. One major characteristic of human ethics and principles is that they have a major room for respecting the dignity of humanity; this means the need to treat others fairly and in a humane way (Survey in Ethics and Psychology, 2016).
The freedom to autonomy and choice is what marks the climax of morality. It is good to understand that one can have the freedom to make a choice but without the free will to implement the choice, it does not fall under moral ethical obligation. Without free will and promotion of individual freedom, human beings are nothing but just a means of accomplishment and the issue of ethical morals will not reflect on them (Fortenbaugh, 2006). Therefore, in order for ethics to reflect morality, we cannot take the end to justify the means but should focus on the intentions for the undertaken course of action. Human beings should not be treated as if they are just garbage but should be treated with dignity as they possess intrinsic value that bestows respect on them; therefore depicting the need for the freedom to make personal choices bound by legal and humane limits. Apparently, moral decisions can only be made on circumstances where there is freedom to choose. Without freedom of choice and the free will to act, moral responsibility cannot be held on human beings (Fromm, 1947).
I do agree with the results of the survey in that there is need for freedom of choice and will in order for moral ethics to be upheld (Dorsey, 1974). Without freedom, the actions we take cannot be regarded as morally free or liable of any obligation as they can be considered to be under coercion or a set of rules that must be followed. Therefore, any acts undertaken as a result of rules or impulse cannot be held to hold any moral obligation as the aspect of free will and freedom of choice is constrained. The survey advocates for the need to respect humanity which is morally right (Tenenbaum, 2007).
Roles and Importance of Personal Ethics in Field of Psychology
Psychology tries to outline how people view ethics and morality in the way they do things. In this case, personal ethics in relation to psychology has many roles and they all involve advocating for human justice and dignity. The principles that guide these ethics include; the need to treat human beings with dignity, the need to respect the dignity bestowed upon other human beings and finally, the advocacy on the importance of ensuring that individual freedom and autonomy is upheld (Fromm, 1947). Personal ethics in psychology ensures that the client is treated with dignity and the psychology is conducted within the consent of the client without any harm. Ethical principles involved in handling the client must be incorporated while ensuring that the client is never lied to. Confidentiality must be upheld while dealing with clients as the breach of information is unethical. There can never be any personal or intimate relationship between a psychologist and his client as this will lead to a biased psychology test on the client (Tenenbaum, 2007).
Effects of Ethics Style
My ethics style would ensure that psychology is well practiced without any disregard of human dignity while focusing on the need for freedom of choice. It will ensure that proper guideline to what is ethically and morally right and wrong is known by both the psychologist and the client. The style would ensure that all clients are given an equal chance I decision making without any rules (Fromm, 1947). The making of personal choices under the closed domain of legal procedures and humane limits will be addressed fully. I may not benefit from the choices I give for the client to make, but the principles of psychology cannot compromise on freedom under any circumstance (Dorsey, 1974).
Ethics versus Psychological Knowledge
The knowledge in psychology advocates for the need of humans to treat each other fairly and in a dignified manner. Psychology tries to shed light on how people treat each other and their argument behind these treatments while at the same time trying to make us understand the human thinking on the issues of morality and ethics. Psychologists have viewed ethics as a moral philosophy that outlines the difference between rights and wrongs and the perceptions that human beings have on morality and ethics Survey in (Ethics and Psychology, 2016).
Advantages of Pursuing Degree in Psychology
Studying psychology helps one to understand and predict the behaviors of human beings and in this case their rationale in matters of ethics and morality. In addition, one would be able to know how the memory of human-brain works (Fortenbaugh, 2006). In addition, psychology is an easy course that can be easily achieved as a degree with a well-paying career. It can also open chances to a variety of fields such as; forensic, health, sports, clinical and human factors psychologies. It is also a good platform to understand others as well as oneself through the study of emotions, the mind and actions. The art and skills of recording, analyzing, organizing and interpretation of data is well acquired through the major. The salaries in the profession are also considerably rewarding (Fortenbaugh, 2006).
Psychology has helped us demystify the aspects of morality and ethics and the way humanity view the two in relation to freedom of choice and the aspect of free will. Ethics advocates for the humane treatment of people while giving them the freedom to bear responsibilities through making free choices (Tenenbaum, 2007).
Dorsey, J. M. (1974). Psychology of ethics. Detroit: Center for Health Education.
Tenenbaum, S. (2007). Moral psychology. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Fromm, E. (1947). Man for himself: An inquiry into the psychology of ethics. New York: Rinehart.
Fortenbaugh, W. W. (2006). Aristotle’s practical side: On his psychology, ethics, politics and rhetoric. Leiden: Brill.
Survey in Ethics and Psychology. (2016).
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