Final Project Framework Worksheet

Week 3 Assignment

HIS206: United States History II

Week 3 Final Project Framework Worksheet

1. Statement of Topic: African-Americans

What topic will you be researching for your final project? You have the choice of:

•African Americans

•Native Americans



2. Events

You will need to choose at least 4 specific events that you plan to discuss in your final project. You should choose events that show how life in the United States changed over time for the group that you chose. Two events must be from the period between 1877 and 1945 and two events must be from the period 1945 to the present. On this worksheet and in your final project, be sure to discuss the events you’ve chosen in the order that they happened. This will help you put together a project that makes historical sense.

Event 1: 1877 to 1945

Event: Black Exodus or “Exodus of 1879”

When: When did the event happen? Did it happen on a specific date? During a specific decade?

Began February 28, 1879

Where: Where did the event happen? In a specific city, state, or region of the country? Throughout the country?

Southern states along the Mississippi River destined for Kansas

Who: Who were the main people involved in the event? What specific group of people was involved? Are there specific individuals associated with this event?

The specific group of people involved in this event consisted of over 900 African American families; including two key contributors to the movement named Benjamin Singleton (Tennessee) and Henry Adams (Louisiana).

Why: What events or issues contributed to this event happening?

Following the reconstruction of the South after the Civil War, laws protecting African-American citizens were scare and non-existent; which essentially led to racial mistreatment by groups known as the KKK and others claiming white supremacy, which detailed the treatment of slavery and injustice, despising and rebelling against the emancipation of African Americans.

How: How is this event historically significant?

This event is historically significant because it began the movement of liberation for African Americans protesting the mistreatment based on race while strengthen agricultural skills for African American males to become farmers.

Event 2: 1877 to 1945

Event: Harlem Renaissance

When: When did the event happen? Did it happen on a specific date? During a specific decade?

Between 1920s to 1930s

Where: Where did the event happen? In a specific city, state, or region of the country? Throughout the country?

Originated in the Harlem district of New York City

Who: Who were the main people involved in the event? What specific group of people was involved? Are there specific individuals associated with this event?

African American artist, musicians, dancers, poets, writers, etc. who migrated from the South to New York, as-well-as other African Americans from surrounding cities in New York.

Why: What events or issues contributed to this event happening?

Following the postwar racial struggles, migration to more liberated states created a “new-birth” among the essence of African Americans creating the birth of the “New Negro”.

How: How is this event historically significant?

This event is historical mainly because it was the beginning of a movement that spoke to the African American soul, providing a new voice promoting their right to equality along with the rest of the world; answering the times of struggles for African Americans through the production of original forms of artistic response dealing largely with African American way of life.

Event 3: 1945 to the present

Event: Brown v. Board of Education

When: When did the event happen? Did it happen on a specific date? During a specific decade?

May 17, 1954

Where: Where did the event happen? In a specific city, state, or region of the country? Throughout the country?

Origination in Topeka, Kansas, however was ruled universal throughout the United States

Who: Who were the main people involved in the event? What specific group of people was involved? Are there specific individuals associated with this event?

Those mainly involved were Oliver Brown (the primary petitioner against the Topeka Education System), over 200 African Americans from various states, and members of the NAACP.

Why: What events or issues contributed to this event happening?

African Americans were limited in their education and/or where they were able to attend educational facilities prior to this events occurrence; schools and educational facilities were segregated.

How: How is this event historically significant?

This event is historically significant, mainly because it’s ruling opened the door for higher education within African American communities. The Supreme Court’s decision ruled that segregation was a violation of their 14th Amendment which African American citizens had a right to as-well-as other Americans.

Event 4: 1945 to the present

Event: March on Washington (“I Have a Dream” Speech)

When: when did the event happen? Did it happen on a specific date? During a specific decade?

August 28, 1963

Where: Where did the event happen? In a specific city, state, or region of the country? Throughout the country?

Washington, D.C. – From the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial

Who: Who were the main people involved in the event? What specific group of people was involved? Are there specific individuals associated with this event?

Over 250,000 protestors who were of White and African American heritage; protest was led by many civil rights leaders, however the last speaker and most memorable being Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Why: What events or issues contributed to this event happening?

Events that led to this event taking place was the continued act of violence that was being inflicted upon the African American people, as-well-as the struggle to secure jobs, education and freedom which was readily accessible and available to all other Americans.

How: How is this event historically significant?

Being widely known as the largest demonstration to strengthen the Civil Rights Movement, not only the march of protest but the empowering speech by Dr. King that resonated from ears to ears and hearts to hearts, created a defining movement that ensured the American government heard and understood the cry and pleas for African American’s to be treated equally as those who were protesting along with them; white Americans.

3. Sources

You will need to locate two primary sources and two secondary sources related to your topic. Use the primary source analysis tool for help with analyzing primary sources.

Primary Sources

APA Citation for Primary Source 1:

Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations.

Windom, W., & Blair, H. W. (1919). The Proceedings of a Migration Convention and Congressional Action Respecting the Exodus of 1879. The Journal of Negro History, (1). 51

Annotation for Primary Source 1:

Provide an annotation explaining what the source is, where it came from, what this source can tell us about your topic, what questions it raises, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to clearly identify which specific event this source relates to. Here are some examples of annotations.

This source is an academic publication founded in 1916 which is a part of an association founded by Carter Woodson in 1915, known as the Association for the Study of African American Life and History which supplies information pertaining to interpretations and publicized information pertaining to African American way of life, through history. This source will provide detailed insight into the cause and effect of the Exodus Movement of 1879, as-well-as other important movements and events in Black History.

APA Citation for Primary Source 2:

Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations.

Johnson, Charles S. (1923-1949). The Harlem Renaissance. Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life. National Urban League. United States.

Annotation for Primary Source 2:

Provide an annotation explaining what the source is, where it came from, what this source can tell us about your topic, what questions it raises, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to clearly identify which specific event this source relates to. Here are some examples of annotations.

Created during the time of the African American struggle from 1923 through 1949, which include the creation of the Harlem Renaissance, this publication provided essays and literary articles relating to life through the eyes of the Negro Movement by featuring articles relevant to current historical events, as-well-as literary writings, art and creative thinking created by young, innovative African Americans, demonstrating a new age of evolution for all to enjoy. Not only will this source provide insight into the Harlem Renaissance but explore surroundings issues associated w/the Negro Movement.

Secondary Sources

APA Citation for Secondary Source 1:

Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations.

Leforge, J. B. (2010). Alabama’s colored conventions and the exodus movement, 1871-1879. The Alabama Review, (1), 3.

Annotation for Secondary Source 1:

Provide an annotation explaining what the author’s thesis is, how they prove their thesis, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to clearly identify which specific event this source relates to. Here are some examples of annotations.

This source is a collaboration of historical events that have taken place throughout the history of African-American struggles, as-well-as oral stories relived by those told to earlier scholarly sources (which are referenced within the authors credits). Within this book, the author has included detailed census information from the required years from the Kansas State Historical Society, as-well-as scholarly sources dating as far back as 1863. This information will contribute to the events of The Exodus Movement of 1879.

APA Citation for Secondary Source 2:

Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations.

Schwarz Jr., F.A. (2014). An Awakening: How the Civil Rights Movement Helped Shape My Life. New York Law School Law Review, 59(1), 59-76.

Annotation for Secondary Source 2:

Provide an annotation explaining what the author’s thesis is, how they prove their thesis, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to clearly identify which specific event this source relates to. Here are some examples of annotations.

Within this source, the author explores the epidemic surrounding racial discrimination within the history of the civil rights struggle within America. The other uses issues associated including and surrounding the March on Washington of 1963, for jobs and freedom, through investigations of U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and its director J. Edgar Hoover; also the detrimental role Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. played in this movement which impacted the government’s involvement in the movement as a whole. This source includes validated information dating from 1935 – current by additional scholarly sources, which will be imperative to race relations noted within my paper.

4. Thesis Statement

Once you have analyzed your sources, consult the AWC’s “Thesis Statement” and use the writing center’s Thesis Generator to craft a thesis on your topic, based on your findings from your sources.

Please remember that there are primary listed in the Week3 Discussion Board 1. You are free to use one or more of those primary sources or you may find your own. You are also welcome to use the secondary sources throughout the course listed as “recommended sources.”


Throughout the age of time, African Americans have struggled against integration and discrimination from opposing Americans, fighting for a chance at equality; however, through consistent acts of protest and life-changing historical events, the accomplishments brought about Civil Rights which enhanced economic and society conditions leading into an adopted cultural change, strengthening freedom and liberation within the American society as a whole.

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