Exceptions of Freedom of Speech for Officers
As public servants, policemen frequently find their rights to bargain collectively, strike, engage in political debate, criticize supervisors, and to observe contemporary grooming styles prohibited. An officer’s right to free speech is determined to where he or she is, what is being said and how it is said. Although officers have a right to speech, the rule of no obscenity still stands. A speech from an officer is considered obscene if the other party finds the material appeals to sexual desire. Moreover, it is considered obscene if it is considered offensive or if the material lacks serious literary, artistic, political and scientific value (Aitchison, 2004). The rule that denies lying infringes on the freedom of speech officers must uphold. Officers are required to be honest at all times. One might be charged for presenting false accusations and evidences for a suspect. Officers have a restriction on speech when it concerns violence. Giving offensive remarks or personal insults that might lead to a fight is illegal for officers. Officers cannot threaten violence to a citizen unless making obvious exaggeration. Speech that involves blackmail and threats is also prohibited for officers. Lastly, if treason is committed by an officer verbally, then the freedom of speech is considered to be violated ( Chadderdon, 2005).
Aitchison, W. (2004). The rights of law enforcement officers. Labor Relations Information System.
Chadderdon, L. J. (2005). No political speech allowed: Common interest developments, homeowners associations, and restrictions on free speech. J. Land Use & Envtl. L., 21, 233.
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