Global warming

Global warming







According to Agarwal & Narain, (2012) Global warming as the gradual rise in the earth’s temperature caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere. Scientists have documented an increase in the world’s temperature which is rising at a rate of 1.4 Celsius over years. Global warming is as a result of human activities but not natural occurrence. Greenhouse effect which is caused by the earth’s atmosphere and suns radiation interacting has a great effect on global warming .The radiation of the solar passes through the earth’s atmosphere to the world’s surface where its absorbed and radiated back upwards in form of heat which is absorbed by lots of gases found on the earth’s atmosphere. These gases include among others. Methane, carbon dioxide and carbonfluorocabons.

Methane though less in the atmosphere is one of the most destructive gas because it traps radiation much more and radiates it back to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide makes its way into the atmosphere and absorbs heat hence increasing the global temperature. It does this through two ways that is deforestation and burning of fossil fuels Vitousek, P. M. (1994).


This is where trees are cut down and burnt. They will therefore release some carbon dioxide gases which had been stored for the process of photosynthesis. This is done by human beings. It is a human source of global warming. The second one is the burning of fossil fuels that tends to pump carbon dioxide gas to the atmosphere. Global warming has lots of effects to the world at large as discussed below.

First, the world has had increasing temperatures over the past years. For instance the year 2012 was the hottest year in the United States. This has an effect on most income generating activities in a country. Secondly, Plants have changed the dates of activities. This leads to massive crop failure due to climate changes. For instance, in the case of extreme temperatures, many crops will dry up hence reducing the yields quantity over that period. In addition to this, global warming also has a great effect as it brings about change in the animals patterns of migration. Another consequent of global warming is the warming up of lakes and melting of icebergs which leads to increase in the sea levels; this is due to high temperatures caused by the warming up of the blanket. Also they increase storms.

There are several causes of global warming. They include, burning of fossil fuels. When fossil is burnt for instance for burning power plants, it emits carbon dioxide gas which causes global warming. The second cause is the greenhouse gases such as methane released from agricultural products. These gases escapes into the atmosphere hence increasing the rate of global warming. Thirdly, is Deforestation which is another hominid cause of global warming. Trees store large amounts of carbon dioxide and when they are cut down and burnt, they release these gases to the atmosphere hence decreasing carbon capture. The fourth cause of global warming is the Ozone depletion.

Having known all these causes of global warming, we have to come up with ways of controlling or reducing it. For example, large emitters should reduce heat trapping gas emissions. Secondly, we should reduce energy wastes. For instance gasoline and oil released by vehicles. People should try to drive less and use other means of transport to reduce much fumes emitted to the atmosphere. Another way is by recycling unwanted wastes such as bottles and polyethene bags. This will help in reducing landfills which are the major contributor to greenhouse gases. The fifth method is by saving energy by means of buying energy saving geysers. Switching off lights while not exhausting them. Another important way of reducing global warming is by planting trees. The trees takes in carbon dioxide which is a major source of global warming and releases oxygen a process known as photosynthesis. Similarly the use of renewable energy to reduce emission of harmful gases.


Agarwal, A., & Narain, S. (1991). Global warming in an unequal world: A case of environmental colonialism. In Global warming in an unequal world: a case of environmental colonialism. Centre for Science and Environment.

Vitousek, P. M. (1994). Beyond global warming: ecology and global change. Ecology, 75(7), 1861-1876.

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