Week 1 Discussion
Determine two (2) current needs and two (2) current uses of long-term care services.
Long term care services is a very complex system. Long term care provides in a variety of community-based settings. Also, family members and surrogates provide most of the long-term care that is unseen to outsiders and generally unpaid. Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities institutions play a critical role in delivering advanced levels of long term care services that cannot be provided effectively and efficiently in community or home settings. In 2012, almost 8.4 million Americans received long term care from a variety of formal sources such as adult day care centers, home health agencies, hospices, nursing homes, and residential care communities
Continuing care after hospital– sometimes patient will need help after being hospitalization. Patient will be coming home with injuries, and severe illness, and are still recovering. This may lead to the patient needing complex care such as help with eating, wound care, or therapy, and/ or rehabilitation.
- Need:
Specialized environments– Specialized environments will help patient with metal or physical disabilities. This can be from MR, ID, down syndrome, autism, spina bifida, cerebral palsy and epilepsy.
Long term care services are used to fit the needs of different individuals and suit people’s personal preferences. Some patients may need medical care, nursing, and rehabilitation while some may not and they may need mental health services and social support.
- Uses:
Determine the main way(s) the overall needs and uses of long-term care services have evolved over the past fifty (50) years.
According to our textbook HIV/ AIDS has evolved very much. According to (“Mortality Rates Among People With HIV, Long on the Wane, Continue to Drop”, 2018) the risk of death continues to drop for people living with HIV, aidsmap reports. 50 years ago, 80 percent of the deaths were caused by AIDS, a figure that fell to 15 percent in the period spanning 2005 and 2010. At its peak in 1992, AIDS-related mortality reached a rate of 11 per 100 person-years and then plummeted to 0.144 by 2006. Mortality due to non-AIDS-related causes dropped from 1.74 per 100 person-years in 1996 to 0.776 in 2003 and to 0.26 in 2010. Having HIV/AIDS changing over the year require transitions between community-based services, nursing homes, and hospitals.
Predict the main way(s) the overall needs and uses of long-term care services will continue to evolve over the next ten (10) years.
The future of long term care will grow a lot within the next few decades with the aging of the baby boom generation. According to (Kwak & Polivka, 2018) 2 million are ages 65 or older, and 1.71 million are ages 85 or older. These numbers are projected to double over the next thirty years. Older Americans can also benefit from improved technology in long-term care. Technology can improve coordination and collaboration across providers and settings, engage patients and families, and increase workforce capacity. Lastly, besides technology the gap between the numbers of available doctors, nurses, and caregivers with the number of persons needing long term care services will increase substantially between now and 2030.
Mortality Rates Among People With HIV, Long on the Wane, Continue to Drop. (2018). POZ. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://www.poz.com/article/mortality-rate-23424-2376
Singh, D.A (2016), Effective Management of Long Term Care Facilities.
Kwak, J., & Polivka, L. (2018). The Future of Long-Term Care and the Aging Network | American Society on Aging. Asaging.org. Retrieved 7 April 2018, from http://www.asaging.org/blog/future-long-term-care-and-aging-network
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