Identifying Needs through Marketing Research


Identifying Needs through Marketing Research

Identifying Needs through Marketing Research

Market research is very crucial and needs to be carried out in most sectors globally. This calls for various research tools methods, designs and formal surveys in order to understand and get feedback from public about the product or nature and type services in businesses.

Online software’s and surveys are very important for managers to extract the benefits by the service provider. There are so many online survey software that exists for example survey Monkey, Survey Gizmo, Zoho, QuestionPro, Typeform, SurveyAnyplace, Wufoo, SurveyMoz, Rational Survey and SoGoSurvey.

Survey monkey tool is the most convenient tool in conducting survey. It enables one to make surveys your own by removing the brand of surveyMonkey,it provides skip-page logic where one can fully customize surveys through formatting, colours , branding and fixing logos of your choice, It provides a detailed blog which enables one to distribute analyze and design the best suiting survey to one’s business. Creating survey using SurveyMonkey is easy and convenient. One can survey audience with ease and analyze data obtained since one can access as many templates as possible covering a wide variety of topics concerning business unlike the other surveys which restricts you. This software enables one to create a link that can be shared online and via email where one can easily track responses and encourages participation one’s website. The only disadvantage about this software is that generation of a QR code and does not collect anything offline making processes difficult.

I found it much easier to use SurveyMonkey software when conducting Tony’s Pizzeria survey compared to other software tools since navigating was fast and quick, I was able to retrieve back the data saved when my power went off abruptly. The ability of respondents to send partial data then complete later is amazing. Taking my survey was very easy since the presentations of questions having multiple questions are on one page.

In conclusion SurveyMonkey provides special guide to enable one to design and developed effective surveys on their investment and businesses which leads to excellent results.

Below is the link I used to conduct a survey of Tony’s Pizzeria.


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