Ignorance of gangs by the community
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Ignorance of gangs by the community
Gangs have been witnessed to increase day in day out whereby mostly occur in urban centers. For instance, most of the American cities have got gangs whereby no one bothers about them. Those people found in the gangs are believed to originate from poor background and it’s due to poverty that they join the gang for their survival. Most of our communities have lacked the control of the gangs which has forced them to ignore the gang existence. Drug abuse and violence in the community has become the daily routine. The gangs have also established themselves fully in the community whereby even they have got a certain kind of clothing different from that of other people. This has led to the community ignoring the gangs because of their establishment (Valdez et al. 2004).
It is evidenced that gangs are not lazy but they are very active people in the community. They are also very intelligent people who can act as resource people in our communities and due to this they are also respected members. The research shows that gangs are much respected people who have committed crimes because they also received violence. The fact that the gangs once received violence which made them fight against other gangs or outsiders they are respected and let to be by the community. Others join gangs due to lack of employment and the conditions are not favorable for their survival finding other means of their daily needs. Due to deindustrialization, the community has ignored the gangs to fight for the economy for survival (Jeong et al. 2006).
Economic morals and some of the community cultures have led to most of the men to join gangs in the streets. Most of males move to the cities in search of job opportunities because men are the providers of the family. They are then forced to move from the society in search of income for their families and when they lack the job they join gangs. The gangs therefore face the real world fearlessly in order to gain what they need. Due to this fact, the community has nothing to do with these people leading to ignorance. The community also ignores these gangs because it knows the consequences that have led to the formation of the gangs. There are traits of the families which are carried on some individuals who join the gangs in the streets. The behaviors of some families are portrayed by gang members and they need to be respected because it is inherited character (Valdez et al. 2004).
The gangs feel that they are in safe heaven because of the freedom they have been given by the community. The community has allowed the gangs to have much freedom on their actions and have a feeling of safety while in the community. Gangs join these groups to gain attention or to get a feeling of security that they have not been gaining at home. The ignorance from the community on gangs has given them opportunity to feel that they are the best people in the community because no one bothers them. The community also has fear towards these people because of their violent actions. This feeling of respect and being feared by other people makes them feel that they are in safe heaven. The gang also feels that they are in safe heaven while in the community because of their identity and self- acceptance that they fit in the community (Jeong et al. 2006).
In conclusion, the community has really contributed to the feeling that the gang is at safe heaven whereby it has not taken any action against them. The community has encouraged this behavior through creating room for the gang people to exist and live in the society. The society has also respected and feared the gangs which in turn have encouraged these people to increase their actions. The society has encouraged gang formation because it has not yet created or developed measures to curb this behavior. The society should set rules and regulations in order to limit the gang formation by providing restrictions against their behavior (Venkatesh, 2007)
Belitz, J., & Valdez, D. (2004). Clinical issues in the treatment of Chicano male gang youth. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 16(1), 57-74.
Jeong, G. H., & Faulkner, B. (2006). Resident perceptions of mega-event impacts: The Taejon international exposition case. Festival Management and Event Tourism, 4(1-1), 3-11.
Venkatesh, S. A. (2007). The social organization of street gang activity in an urban ghetto. American journal of sociology, 103(1), 82-111.
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